Need a little help regarding Jiu Jitsu and Aikido

Mr. President

Green Belt
I need the Japanese names of 3 Aikido self defense techniques that CANNOT be found in Jiu Jitsu or Judo. Techniques that are unique to Aikido. Thanks.
Without knowing the syllabus for judo or jujutsu it is a little hard to be definitive but yonkyo and gokyo are a little different to normally seen locks and holds. In terms of take downs, I doubt you would see much of kokyu nage in judo or jujutsu. :asian:
If you mean Juijitsu and not jujutsu, there are probably a lot of things in aikido not found but like K-man said without knowing the specific syllabus it would be hard to pinpoint which would not be present. I bet unless you are looking at a jujutsu system associated or derived from Daito ryu, you likely won's see techniques like:

-Kokyu nage (as K-man said)
-Aiki nage
-Sumi otoshi
-irimi nage
-Gokyo and yonkyo (again like K-man said)

So there are 3 in addition to what K-man gave you. There are a lot of techniques employed by aikido not seen elsewhere mostly because aikidoka focus on a different skill than other jujutsu systems commonly employ.

This shows techniques from aikido and how they relate to daito ryu.
A major difference is daito ryu puts pressure differently then aikido.
I guess aikido hanmi is unique but maybe another jujutsu school has it. As far as I know
Daito ryu does not use hanmi. Can I ask the op
Why do you need to know this? I think just learning your
Kyu requirements is enough.
sumi otoshi is pretty similar to sukui nave
gokyo looks a lot like waki gatame
The other ones are probably pretty good.

Ubishime (finger lock) or renkojime (the gooseneck come along) may be taught in a judo school but probably aren't, particularly if that school focuses on competition.

Like others said, I'd say yonkyo, nikkyo, and sankyo would be safe bets.

Some kokyunage would work, but sounds like you are looking for specific names and many places don't name their kokyunage.

Curious what the project you working on was?

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