3rd Black Belt
So I opened my own dojo back in April so far so good. Only problem I noticed is that I am getting a lot of calls from people who want to learn grappling and groundwork. I mainly teach Tang Soo Do (3rd Dan in TSD) and Sport Karate so I was wondering if anyone knows anyone who lives near Washington Township-Romeo area of Michigan. (There is a martial arts school that is 2.5 miles away from me who teaches BJJ but I dont want to send them to my competition thats like working at Rite Aid and saying CVS is cheaper.) The grappling class would only be 1 or 2 days a week depending on how the turn out goes. My dojo is cover in 1 inch mats not great but better then nothing . I would have an interview with the person if I can find someone who is interested. First Dan or higher for this job. any help on finding some one would be great thinking of posting on Craig List.