Heading too Michigan (Ann Arbor)


Brown Belt
May be the wrong forum but (Mods feel free to admonish / move this thread) I'm heading to Michigan for about 10 days.

The primary goal of this trip is to see my ailing Grandmother and spend some final time with her.

However, as I will be in the area I'd be more than willing to meet fellow MTer's and MAer's. I'm actually looking for a dojo I might be able to get some practice in too relieve the stress I am about to undertake.

I was in JKD for about 7 years with a 10 year break so I'm not in the best of shape but! I can share, "JKD Straight Blast techniques and 2 inch punch techniques." for anyone who wants to exchange some techniques in the area. I'm also fairly well versed in Boxing but I doubt I could teach anyone anything.

Anyone interested send a PM :) I'll be glad to meet you.
I am two hours away up in small town USA Alma, Michigan. I hope you do not have to difficult a time. Keep your chin up.
We are about 45 min away but I invite you to train anytime with us a Michigan State!


Heh I love good old MSU. Of course I worked for UofM so no pummeling me for that!

I'll PM my contact details I'd love to check out your school.
I am two hours away up in small town USA Alma, Michigan. I hope you do not have to difficult a time. Keep your chin up.
Alma?!?! Wow man Brian that is up there... how many students do you have?

I had no idea that Ninjutsu was in Alma I always thought it was harder to find :P

I'll let you know if I have enough free time to make it all the way up that way I'd sure like to meet you tho you've provided a great deal of insight into ninjutsu for me.
Hey Infinite,

Good luck with everything.

Hey Brian, you live in Alma? wow, I live in Saginaw. I had no idea there were any martial artist in Alma at all.

take care,
We are out in Ortonville/North Oakland County. Anyone interested or in my area, shoot me a call (# on my website). :)
Hey Infinite,

Good luck with everything.

Hey Brian, you live in Alma? wow, I live in Saginaw. I had no idea there were any martial artist in Alma at all.

take care,

There are a good number of us and at my Instinctive Response Training Hall. (even though it is smallville USA)
We are out in Ortonville/North Oakland County. Anyone interested or in my area, shoot me a call (# on my website). :)

Oh I used to travel to Grand Blanc all the time! I'll be sure to drop you a line when I hit town to check out the facilities!

I'm pretty excited about that part of my trip so that is helping thanks a lot guys.
Oh I used to travel to Grand Blanc all the time! I'll be sure to drop you a line when I hit town to check out the facilities!

I'm pretty excited about that part of my trip so that is helping thanks a lot guys.

Lots and lots of martial artists in Michigan from IRT to Budo Taijutsu, Modern Arnis, Balintawak and more. Michigan is pretty much a hot bed of martial arts talent.
Lots and lots of martial artists in Michigan from IRT to Budo Taijutsu, Modern Arnis, Balintawak and more. Michigan is pretty much a hot bed of martial arts talent.

Yeah I just spent my time doing JKD which isn't really prevalent in Michigan or anywhere else for that matter.

Of course by prevalant I mean easily accessible by quality instructors. I'm still going to try to make it to Alma Brian :) so expect a pm from me.
Yeah I just spent my time doing JKD which isn't really prevalent in Michigan or anywhere else for that matter.

Of course by prevalant I mean easily accessible by quality instructors. I'm still going to try to make it to Alma Brian :) so expect a pm from me.

Your always welcome to come up to Alma!
Oh I used to travel to Grand Blanc all the time! I'll be sure to drop you a line when I hit town to check out the facilities!

I'm pretty excited about that part of my trip so that is helping thanks a lot guys.

That's cool; anytime.

Just thought I'd mention also that although I don't do JKD myself much, we do have some pretty quality JKD people here in The Detroit to Flint area. Dave Hatch (Attributive Martial Arts) is a very experienced Insasanto Blend instructor In Canton, as well as his colleague Chris Malgeri (sp?) who is in Madison Heights if I am not mistaken. Then you have Wolverine Martial Arts in Flint with Marvin (who is on this board and friends w/ Mr. Vancise, myself, and others) who hits the MMA angle, as he is a JKD straight Blast Gym affiliate. I know there are other JKD schools of different flavors in the Metro Detroit area as well.

So, you have quite a few around here it would seem.

Anyway, let any of us know when your coming down, as I am sure many of us would be willing to help you out with contacts and such, depending on what your interested in.

Take care!


That's cool; anytime.

Just thought I'd mention also that although I don't do JKD myself much, we do have some pretty quality JKD people here in The Detroit to Flint area. Dave Hatch (Attributive Martial Arts) is a very experienced Insasanto Blend instructor In Canton, as well as his colleague Chris Malgeri (sp?) who is in Madison Heights if I am not mistaken. Then you have Wolverine Martial Arts in Flint with Marvin (who is on this board and friends w/ Mr. Vancise, myself, and others) who hits the MMA angle, as he is a JKD straight Blast Gym affiliate. I know there are other JKD schools of different flavors in the Metro Detroit area as well.

So, you have quite a few around here it would seem.

Anyway, let any of us know when your coming down, as I am sure many of us would be willing to help you out with contacts and such, depending on what your interested in.

Take care!



Yes Marvin has is class in Flint.

I am also in Grand Blanc myself, even though I train/teach in FMA's at the the same building in Flint.

Contact any or all of us. It should be lots of fun for you.
I have landed!

But as my grandmother has passed I really only have to days to play :(

Thursday all day or Friday all day.

I didn't pack my gear as I wasn't going to stay as long so I don't have my protects. I'd still love to meet up and show so low impact techniques (sadly I brought jeans :P)

Or even just sit about tand talk about MA or anything else. I also happen to be an information security expert* if anyone wants to exploit that little bit of skill.

*Expert was given to me by my peers I do not claim it but my peers keep throwing it into my universe.

Brian is right- there are a ton of martial arts groups in Michigan- they are just spread out ever so thin. He he. BTW- I have trained with Brian- he's a good guy with an open mind. Very knowledgable.

Just my 2 cents
Brian Smith
AMKA- Maharlika Kuntaw
way up in Traverse City Mi