Need a better way to share....


Sr. Grandmaster
Oh sigh, last night was Spring Jambouree. Normally (or previously) it was a football only thing. The teams got together, played a quarter, went home.

This year they turned it into a full game, with band, cheer leaders and what not. No halftime show though (that was weird, I was expecting them to turn off the lights and go home...since there were hardly any people there.)

Anyhow, Since it was the last outing of the year, a fun thing, not formal, I went nuts on the pictures. 340, without even trying.

They took long enough to put on the computer. Then I ran into the problem that the CDs did not hold that much (ended up with a 4 part deal. If it had not been late, I might have been able to do only 3. Oh well)

Now I am uploading them to photobucket...since midnight. that been over 8 hours so far, and only half of them done.


I am open to all suggestions.
It seems that the scope of my endeavor has expanded beyond my intentions.
Sounds like you might be trying to upload them at full resolution, if you resized them first it shouldn't take anywhere near that long - you aren't still using dialup, are you? Even with our crappy 30kbs upload here it didn't take me hours to upload 200+ images to Picasa at 1600x1200 resolution.

Or maybe Photobucket is slow, I've used it but never for more than one or two images at a time. Maybe Picasa, Flickr or Smugmug would be faster than Photobucket?
we actually are supposed to have high speed, better than DSL...

I might have to look into something else. Then again, it might have been my computer going to sleep (as I did, being in bed and all) and that disrupted the upload.
I managed to get a few good shots again: