Need Help


Yellow Belt
Ok so I am in Cali to try and get a career in the entertainment industry going. I am ready for ups and downs good time and hard times.
Just a little bit ago a friend of mine who is an Indi Producer, called me and gave me some news. In about 2 or 3 weeks I will get the rare opportunity to audition for a martial arts stunt team of sorts. The guy I will be auditioning for put together the stunt team for the Power Rangers as well as other stuff. What makes this so rare is that he almost never pays any mind to non-Asians. I have 2 maybe 3 weeks to get into the best fighting form I can. I have been told that I will have to go up against some of the best martial artists the industry has to offer. I will do my best, which in effort is usually 150%. I will be doing it old school as well, since I have no studio to train at right now, unless I can find one. The problem is that at my rank most people do not care for me to train with them. So I am left with the park. I will go to bed as soon as I get home from work, usually 1130 to 12 midnight, and get up 6 hours later to run to the park and train, 6 days a week. On the 7th (Sunday) I will use it for my meditation and stretching only. If anyone by any chance has any thoughts or training ideas then please let me know..

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