Neck conditioning


Green Belt
Aug 6, 2007
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Heya everybody,

This is more focused toward all the wrestlers and jujitsu folks out there (or anyone with input of course) - does anyone have any tips for strengthing the neck aside from wrestler bridges?
Pull-ups & reverse (behind the back) pull-ups & you can do isometric exercises;
1) Palms to forehand: Push forward with neck and resist with arms...
2) Palm to side of head: Push with neck and resist with one arms...
3) Palms to back of head: Push with neck and resist with arms...

In all cases hold for 10 to 15 seconds and release do this with 10 starting out. Work up to longer periods 30 seconds & then work on more reps; 10 to 15, 15 to 20, 20 to 30, 30 to 40, 40 to 50 etc. Remember to do neck rotations to loosen up the neck, so you don't pull something.

If you're trying to build you neck to resist chokes; you can also take a towel and pull it across your neck (simulating a cross colar choke) to build up your neck for that.
We used to do some exercises for Football. They had a harness that fit over your head with a strap that had a hook to put a iron plate on so you could do weighted neck extensions. Haven't seen one in almost 30 yrs. though. Also, we did 2 man drills where you would forward, back and to the side while a teammate held your helmet. you tried to keep your body very straight as he leaned you out to a 45 degree angle. It took a little getting used to and you had to trust your partner no to drop you. Not sure how healthy these are for you but that was back in the "no pain - no gain " days. Probably the thing that worked best for me was wearing a water helmet for a full season. It was by far the most comfortable helmet I ever had but man was it heavy! In any case, those exercises helped build me a 19 1/2 " neck. Great for football and combat sports but not so good for finding dress shirts for the office.
The one thing I will never need is neck exercises. My neck is already wider than my head.


Taken after this morning's run. Which I did not enjoy.
I would strongly discourage trying to build your neck strength against chokes by "simulating" a choke. You may learn a tolerance of choking, but you're not going to build muscles where there are none. And you may find yourself on a quick trip to the morgue via accidental strangulation.

The neck rockers and similar devices can still be found in some gyms -- but take 'em easy. It's not hard to overdo something like that, though it's good that they move through a range of motion. Same thing with straps to hold weights...

Isometric exercises, either using your own hand or a towel, aren't bad, though they suffer from the weakness of all isometric exercise in that there's no motion.

You can also slowly and carefully work with a partner to resist the motion. For example, you can lay on your side, and as you push your head up, your partner holds it down and slowly lets you move it up. (Kind of easier to show than explain...)
I would strongly discourage trying to build your neck strength against chokes by "simulating" a choke. You may learn a tolerance of choking, but you're not going to build muscles where there are none. And you may find yourself on a quick trip to the morgue via accidental strangulation.

Umm yeah, I understand the idea of not being able to build muscle were there is none, however tensing your next muscles while pulling towle against your neck but I'm suggesting auto-erotic asphyxiation or hanging one's self.

Isometric exercises, either using your own hand or a towel, aren't bad, though they suffer from the weakness of all isometric exercise in that there's no motion.

I actually though of that after my post. You could always allow slow movement against the resistance of your own arms to make up for the lack of motion in the isometric exercise.
I do this with my kickboxers and used to do it with my boxers years ago.

Lay flat on your back. Lift your head off the ground 1-1.5" and tuck your chin to your chest.

Next, lift your head 1-1.5" off the floor and look to the right then back to the ceiling. Repeat on the left side.

I have them do 15-20 reps to start then build them up to 50 reps each direction. It works wonders and requires no equipment.
Thanks to everyone who replied. My focus is not so much resisting chokes - it's more making the neck stronger so I don't get it snapped when rolling around in locks and holds.
I really can't say what I want to...
Trust me, it is hilarious.
Laugh heartily and appreciatively.
I put one of those inflatable fitness balls up against the wall and lean into it and start pressing my head into the ball.
Make sure you do front , sides and back , if your neck is weak don't lean too much , but if your neck is strong you can lean at more of an angle.
I worked as a bellman for a year carrying people's luggage. I'm skinny but my lats got pretty big pretty quick. I find if your employment involves a particular workout it's easier to do when you get paid for it and the psychology of "it's my job" might help your body's ability to build muscle as a mind over matter thing.