National Geographic MA special


Green Belt
I came across a preview recently for a show aired on national geographic that claims to analyse the 'science behind martial arts' The trailer obviously makes it look like an action movie, but I'm wondering what you all think of it. Personally, at one point in the trailer, a big burly karate guy ploughs through 4 feet of 'concrete' and that's where it lost it's credibility to me. But you guys have a look. There's a muay thai fighter that looks pretty authentic.

Any thoughts?
Well it's definitely a high tech (and glitzy) look at our respective art(s) and breaking it down to a science level of physics, and other natural laws. Yeah I agree the guy plowing through layers of concrete with his shoulder... but think about how much force a full-running 280 lb linebacker would/does exert upon a halfback as he tackles him during a football game?
I think the show would bear watching and scrutiny just for kicks and giggles. It is interesting to see a computer model of the forces exerted in a jujitsu hold, a muay thai knee kick, a TKD round house, and so on. Then the balance displayed by Wing Chun and Ninjitsu practicioners.


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Does anyone know when they will show that again?

Looks like it was on three more time after the premiere...

August 27th, September 4th, September 5th... and we missed all three! :eek:

I wonder if they'll put it out on video by the end of the year?
The show was interesting to say the least. I love all things involving Martial Arts. I like how they attempted a scientific approach to the Martial Arts, however I think they left too much mysticism in the show. For example, they show a ninjutsu practitioner jumping on high sticks. This is a great example of balance, but doesn't give any insight to his Martial applicability.

Among other things being a Nuk Muay, I was a little upset at the length of time they spent on Muay. In the trailer, the boxer Melchor Menor gets alot of screen-time. But his actual segment was very short. Not only that, but I personally felt they could have used a better example of Muay Thai. Atleast someone whom has fought Muay Thai at the likes of Lumipini or Rajadamnern, and not simply various Kickboxing events, which I do respect however.

All in all, in regards to the show... I hardly felt they achieved what they were advertising. There was hardly any scientific approach in what was displayed.
I saw the Fight Science show on national Geographic channel on september4th. It was interesting indeed ;) They also did a scientific breakdown of "dim mak" And found that it was indeed possible! I thought I'd mention that, because I know it would make a good discussion being that it is a hotly debated one among martial arts discussions on weather a death touch is just a myth, or is it real. Well according to the words of fight's real:D

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