Naming Your Sword


White Belt
May 28, 2008
Reaction score
Gilbertsville, Pa.
I have several swords and a couple of them that I'm fond of, one that I mainly train with is a Korean saber sword. For the love of me I can't think of a name for it. I think naming it would give the sword personality. The other is a Chesness Tenchi ko katana, so of course i refer to it as Tenchi.
The Korean saber is a straight sword, broader and a little beefy.

On my mok gum KJN wrote my name in Korean and put in parenthesis spirit of a warrior underneath my name on one side and his name on the other. I plan to have this engraved or have it done in needle point on my saber.

Two questions: 1 What is the Korean term for spirit warrior? 2 Does anyone have any suggesstions on naming your sword?
I'm sad to say that I'm from a very traditional, European, view point on such matters.

Naming a sword that has never done anything of note is not really something that should be done in a serious fashion.

As with a man, a swords 'name' is aquired by it's deeds.
I'm sad to say that I'm from a very traditional, European, view point on such matters.

Naming a sword that has never done anything of note is not really something that should be done in a serious fashion.

As with a man, a swords 'name' is acquired by it's deeds.
The sword is like a gun... it's only as good as it's owner/wielder.

I agree, naming a sword shouldn't be serious. If one wants to get into mythological fantasy Tolkienish type of world then :idunno: okay but don't expect anyone to take you for real.
Gotta go with Sukerkin. It's a piece of metal. It isn't a real living creature and doesn't have will, a spirit or a personality.
I agree,

In the Marines during bootcamp a D.I. said, "Everyone name your M-16". A few were stupid and yelled out the names. The D.I. punched the few who spoke up and said, "You don't name weapons, you morons. This isn't a video game."

It is like James Earl Jones said to Schwarzenegger, "A sword is made of steel, and it is an extension of your hand. It is worthless if you are worthless."

Same with firing a weapon, if you are Helen Keller with an Uzi, then don't bother with anything that needs finesse when shooting.

I could name my swords I own, however that I think would be silly. I own some expensive blades. However, I think it would foolish to "Name" your weapon. After all what good is a 50 cal. sniper rifle if you cannot shoot the broad side of a barn? Same with a sword, I don't care if it is a full tang katana, a claymore, or a Scottish bastard sword, Irish hand and a half. If you can't effectively wield it then it is useless.

I own such swords. I have only one name for them....."Mine".

Plus of all "Great European tales of Robin Hood and King Arthur" well Robin Hood didn't have a name for his bow.........Excalibur was the name of a mythological sword. William Wallace's sword is 6'7. He didn't name his blade, neither did Rob Roy MacGregor. I used Shanai, and assorted firearms out of necessity. I as well as my other warriors that were part of "America's most effective offensive line." never, ever named anything. It is just silly. Even though stories of "Excalibur and Stornbringer and Conan's 'Atlantean' sword are cool to read."
I'm sad to say that I'm from a very traditional, European, view point on such matters.

Naming a sword that has never done anything of note is not really something that should be done in a serious fashion.

As with a man, a swords 'name' is aquired by it's deeds.
I agree with the others. Naming a piece of metal is outright silly.
Although if I had to, the name "Fred" comes to mind.

*sigh* Isn't there any romance left in the world? "Happy Holidays." "There is no God." "Don't name your sword, it's silly." I suppose Zorro should remove yon mask and cape, don gray sweats and lo-rise Converse and get a crew cut, eh?


I was under the general, unverifiable impression that you could name your sword once bitten by it; when your sword draws your blood, you may name it.

My sword does not yet have a name, but I have a few in mind and I'm in no hurry.

So name it! Name her, I say, and bullocks to the rest! :samurai:
Shesulsa, I was thinking the same as I scrolled through reading the MENS posts! No romance in them whatsoever!

Just because names weren't recorded for historical figures weapons it doesn't mean they weren't named, I bet they were but because of unromantic souls like this lot they kept it secret! So there!
i named my m-16 suzie, if that counts for anything.

Just for reference, the OP asked, how to say Spirit Warrior. The term doesn't translate directly without just translating each word individually, but "Fighting Spirit" is tuji, 투지. I also found "sword of the spirit" hananimui malsseum, 하나님의 말씀.
Exactly, Tez and Shesulsa. Men name their guitars, don't they?

You are supposed to be very, very serious and lose your sense of humor or you disrespect your instructor and all their instructors before them!

I suggest the name "Flo."
I was under the general, unverifiable impression that you could name your sword once bitten by it; when your sword draws your blood, you may name it.

Well just for the record, it has drawn my blood a couple of times when practicing resheathing. It made me slow down and pay attention to the details. I went from a mok gum with a sheath to the live blade. Two different feels.

BTW there is a website for all the swords named in history. I'll post it later, but for now back to the spirit of christmas.

I like to wish all a joyous holiday.
...I went from a mok gum with a sheath to the live blade. Two different feels.

Yes indeed... that's quite a transition.

Have you thought about using a dulled practice steel sword before moving to the live blade? You can get one that has exactly the same characteristics as a jin gum, but you won't have to worry about slicing yourself when you practice resheathing. Getting good at resheathing properly takes a lot of practice... I did it for years with a dull blade before moving up to the real thing.

Happy Holidays to you too...
I've got plenty of romance. It just isn't directed at table saws, swords or printers.
Shoot, I've elevated more than a few items to deity-hood when they've been uncooperative! :D

Personally, I've not been big on naming swords or other items. Just me though... I guess you could call it "OUCH!"
It's true that I sometimes give them names. And it's true that some of the names involve reproductive and quasi-reproductive acts. But if that sort of wordplay is part of your definition of romance, please send me your contact info. I think I can find a therapist who specializes in abuse somewhere in your area... :)
That is funny,

Consider this though. The movie "Princess Bride" Elligo Montoya didn't have a name for his sword. No, what he had was a great saying "Hello, my name is Elligo Montoya. You killed my father, now prepare to die."

Tom Cruise didn't name the broadsword he killed the devil with in "Legend", Connor didn't name hit Katana nor bastard sword in "Highlander." In the "Kill Bill" movies no one had a name for the sword they used. Excalibur and Stormbringer are special swords of legend just as the "Atlantean Sword" used by Conan. They were one of a kind, not to be matched. He-Man didn't name his sword, it was always announced as the "Sword of Grayskull." It is an instrument of beauty, skill, and death. Such things dont desire a name, they are pieces of legend if the wielder of such is worthy.

I remember learning sword manual and drill while going through Corporal's course in the Corps. Well, I knicked my right ear on several occassions. And if you are talking about romanticism then consider the following. The words muttled are a bit harsh. However, no particular name was given.

I bet you call them names when they go wrong though lol!
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