Name of Strike Needed (in Korean)


Senior Master
May 31, 2006
Reaction score
North Augusta, SC
What is the Korean term for this strike: with one hand, bunch all five fingertips together to make a "bird beak." I have seen this strike shown often at women's self-defense seminars as a blow to the eyes or adam's apple.
What is the Korean name for this strike?

I think it may be jipke sahn chigi (pincers hand strike), if pincers hand is the same as a crane's beak. I'm not positive of that though.
I pronounce it jip-key sahn chee-gee. I'm looking forward to one of our many much more knowledgeable than I forum members to verify.
What is the Korean term for this strike: with one hand, bunch all five fingertips together to make a "bird beak." I have seen this strike shown often at women's self-defense seminars as a blow to the eyes or adam's apple.
What is the Korean name for this strike?


I would call it a Hak Kwon Kong Kyuk (Crane Fist Attack)...however I would not reason that it would be a very wise decision to attempt to use a crane fist attack in the manner in which you listed. Crane fist I have found is very effective for use on nerve strikes on the torsoe and forearms, but not to the eye or throat, for the eye a one point fist, or thumb would be good (but I would consider the legalites of that one) and foe the "adam's apple" a good old knife hand attack would work great...
Hope that helps:asian: