Name a singer/band that no one has heard of

Some great selections already.. Anybody for these?

Death Cab for Cutie
The Telescopes
Forward Russia
Peter Bjorn and John
Cansei der Sei Sexy

Ta ta for now pop pickers
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Cynic; Metal that sounds like it's from another planet.

Robi Draco Rosa; wrote some music for Ricky Martin and was in Menudo with him, his music is very different from RM , the album Crash makes women want to take their clothes off, I'm serious. Great music to play in your car while you're on a date, it will do half the work for you.

These two are VERY different, the first is progressive, spacey, spiritual metal the second is sensual latin pop rock music that really gets women in the mood.
The Alex Maryol Band. I've known alex since he was about 13.....which isn't really that long:the kid is awesome.

The Soul Deacons........should they ever decide to get back to work.....

There's some "black guy who does cowboy songs" in New Mexico, but he seems to work way too much to play these days.....everyone else says he's great, but I think his act is kind of weak. He does write a pretty mean lyric, though......:rolleyes: :lol:
Lately, I've been listening to a band called Sansura. I found them on iTunes. It's Indian/Eastern-based electronica. Some of their songs can be listened to on their MySpace page.
Raul Midon - got a free song from itune thing from Starbucks with him on it
Bob Anonymous - rapper friends of my brothers. bery good
Rockimus Prime - yea thats what its called. went to high school with one of the kids

i have nothing positive to contribute at all, i would just like to point out that i have heard all of the bands mentioned above including their ultra-rare demo EPs that you all have never heard of, & that i am therefore cooler than everyone.

now for my next bit:

how many indie-rockers does it take to change a light bulb?

My cousin's husband (then boyfriend) was in a band in the seventies called,

Bolt Upright and the Erections

He was one of the Erections. Cross my heart.
Dead Milkman
(campy rock songs like Bitchin Camaro and Big Lizard in my Backyard)

Blackmore's Night
(Ritchie Blackmore and his wife, Candice Knight do period Filk music)

Squirrel Nut Zippers (um..folk and blue grass..sorta)

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