N Korea threatens nuke attack

You know, this is the main reason why im glad alliances exist. Its my hope that something this catastrophic could be prevented by the threat of being overwhelmed by the backlash. Ill leave it at that, i think.
Kim Jong Un has also said the ceasefire that TEMPORARILY ended the Korean War in 53 is OVER as of March 11th...
This is NOT good news.
NK is constantly making threats and has been for years. People here in Korea do not seem to be worried at the moment. I've been here seven years and I've yet to see South Koreans show much concern. NK has provoked the South several times, going so far as to shell a SK island and sink a SK ship, but things didn't progress further.

SK just elected a new president and it may very well be that the North is testing her. SK is stepping up the rhetoric at the moment, however. Previously, the military said they would retaliate against any units who attacked. The other day they added that they would also retaliate against command elements, as well.

It is a bit troubling, but like I said, it's life as usual around here. I teach at a university here. We started our semester this week, and it's been business as usual there, too. Hopefully it will stay that way.
When I was stationed over in Osan AB it NK threatening SK was constant and it didn't seem to be much more than NK puffing out it's chest trying to look tough. Realistically I think that NK knows that the backlash for attacking SK isn't worth it.
Go back to Wiki Leaks a strong communication from theChin Embassy said they did not need North Korea as a buffer any longer and itwould be good if they unified for business. Hence We ain't got your backanymore. They totally woosed out during our live fire exercises after theyshelled a disputed village island. Hell I hope they fire something close to usbut no people hurt in Alaska so our National Guard post will be re commissionedgood business for Alaska
North Korea on Thursday vowed to launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike against the United States, amplifying its threatening rhetoric hours ahead of a vote by U.N. diplomats on whether to level new sanctions against Pyongyang for its recent nuclear test.

I know its all talk but how long until they stop talking and start acting on the threat

They, the North Korean leadership, are quite clearly barking but the really scary thing is that an awful lot of the ordinary people there really have no clue that what they are fed as 'history' and 'news' bears little relation to reality. If China truly is starting to let go of a perceived need for a buffer state then NK is in big trouble if it does not scale back it's rhetoric to match the cloth of it's actual military punch.
[h=1]U.S. says U.N. sanctions 'will bite' after North Korea threatens nuclear attack[/h] By Josh Levs and Jethro Mullen, CNN
updated 5:47 PM EST, Thu March 7, 2013

-- The U.N. Security Council unanimously passed tougher sanctions against North Korea Thursday targeting the secretive nation's nuclear program hours after Pyongyang threatened a possible "preemptive nuclear attack."

"These sanctions will bite, and bite hard," U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice said after the vote.
China, North Korea's key ally, could have used its veto power to block the sanctions. Instead, after weeks of negotiating, it signed on to the final draft.
"China is a country of principle," China's U.N. Ambassador Li Baodong said. "We are firmly committed to safeguarding peace and stability on the Korean peninsula."
Leading up to the vote, Pyongyang ratcheted up its bellicose rhetoric. A spokesman for the North Korean foreign ministry suggested the United States "is set to light a fuse for a nuclear war."
As a result, North Korea "will exercise the right to a preemptive nuclear attack to destroy the strongholds of the aggressors and to defend the supreme interests of the country," the country said in a statement carried by the state-run Korean Central News Agency.
Because sanctions have such a great history of results...

When they don't have electric lighting, I'm less inclined to worry...
They, the North Korean leadership, are quite clearly barking but the really scary thing is that an awful lot of the ordinary people there really have no clue that what they are fed as 'history' and 'news' bears little relation to reality. If China truly is starting to let go of a perceived need for a buffer state then NK is in big trouble if it does not scale back it's rhetoric to match the cloth of it's actual military punch.

China has not been happy with Pyongyang for year and I suspect if it was not for the USA they would have either cut it off completely or crushed it years ago. They have only put up with, and supported, them to keep us further away from their borders. But if they are not worried about that any longer then they would just as likely leave North Korea to the buzzards since the relationship has been a rather rocky one. And the UN is a perfect place to do just that

However I am not exactly sure North Korea realizes how important that relationship is to them, hell the North Korean's entire Cyber warfare unit is run out of a hotel in China because they do not have the power (see Big Don's photo) or the infrastructure to run it at home
It's too bad that Korea has been separated for so long. It might be long enough that the country can never reunify. Imagine how economically prosperous a unified Korea would have been. It's a shame for all of the people on the Korean peninsula. These NK threats only make reunification less likely.
Socialism is not the problem. Try Communism.

While not campaigning for Socialism at all. The Scandinavian countries are Socialist and while they have their share of problems they have been around the top on the list of happiest countries in the world. It doesn't work for everyone, and that's fine. But North Korea is a Communist country. And their leader is a selfish little man that lets his people starve. He seems more concerned with being considered a real threat than bettering the country at all.

Kinda reminds me of a thug that talks about how tough they are and makes threats, but would panic if anyone actually responded to said threats. It's kind of pathetic really. Wouldn't underestimate the power of their stupidity at all or their ability to cause some damage with a nuclear "sucker punch", but I view them ultimately as more of a threat to themselves than others in the long run.
Nothing but an idiotic bully.