N. Korea comes clean about nukes


Trying to find my place
Jan 14, 2004
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As if we didn't have enough problems...

North Korea admits to having nuclear weapons

From the article:
North Korea on Thursday announced publicly for the first time that it has nuclear weapons and rejected moves to restart disarmament talks any time soon, saying it needs the weapons as protection against an increasingly hostile United States.

On Thursday, North Korea said it decided not to rejoin such talks any time soon after studying Mr. Bush's inaugural and State of the Union speeches and after Ms. Rice labelled North Korea one of the “outposts of tyranny.”

Good to see our reputation with the rest of the world is getting better, aye Mr. President?
Uh...North Korea has been claiming that it has nuclear weapons for AT LEAST three years now.
rmcrobertson said:
Uh...North Korea has been claiming that it has nuclear weapons for AT LEAST three years now.
Oh well if that's the case then we'll just call it wolf and leave it at that. Boy what a load off my mind... now about the Iran thingy....
rmcrobertson said:
Uh...North Korea has been claiming that it has nuclear weapons for AT LEAST three years now.
True, but it was my understanding that previous to this, most of the possible agression was toward the orient. Now they've outwardly shown hostility toward the US as well.
OUMoose said:
True, but it was my understanding that previous to this, most of the possible agression was toward the orient. Now they've outwardly shown hostility toward the US as well.

North Korea has been displaying overt aggression toward the United States since the signing of the armistice that ended the Korean War.
They're just mad because the US isn't giving them as much money as it used to. Plus with the war in the middle east the DPRK has been feeling that they're not getting the attention they deserve.
-David Dempsey-
Actually, North Korea has been on its current cycle of hostility towards us for at least three years too.

This really has to do with Rice's first foreign trip as the Secretary of State, and the public aspect of negotiations between the US (refuses face-to-face talks; insists on multilateral talks) and North Korea (rejects multilateral talks; insists on face-to-face, one-on-one talks with this country).

It does, of course, also show that Saddam Hussein wasn't even in the top five national security threats to the United States when we invaded Iraq. You know...Iraq says it doesn't have WMDs, and this turns out to be true; Iran says it has a right to nuclear power and maybe nuclear weapons, and isn't building them yet but is developing related technology, and this turns out to be probably true; North Korea says it wants nukes, is aggressively pursuing building them, has several nuclear weaponsalready as far as anybody can tell, and--to really ice the cake--has been known to be selling weapons to wackos around the world for two decades.

So after careful consideration, we jump on Iraq.
N.Korea gives alot of lip service, but with those loons, one can never tell. Let them have their toys, but the next time they have a massive explosion like the ones months ago, let them take care of their own problems. Let's not all run over there to help. They got money for nukes, they can take care of their own mess.
I used to be an intelligence analyst in South Korea, and from what I learned there, pretty much all the claims that the DPRK makes are completely made up. I just can't imagine a country having nuclear weapons when there is still know electricty at night. As for that explosion they had last year, that was some scary ****. Esspecially when we found out what it really was. Even know given what I know, I have a hard time believing any of the claims that are made by a country which is run by a drunken playboy who is obsessed with american cowboy movies.
-David Dempsey-
D Dempsey said:
I used to be an intelligence analyst in South Korea, and from what I learned there, pretty much all the claims that the DPRK makes are completely made up. I just can't imagine a country having nuclear weapons when there is still know electricty at night. As for that explosion they had last year, that was some scary ****. Esspecially when we found out what it really was. Even know given what I know, I have a hard time believing any of the claims that are made by a country which is run by a drunken playboy who is obsessed with american cowboy movies.
-David Dempsey-
Hi, Reminds me of the Japanese Emperor in the movie "The Last Samuri" Cowboys and Indians...LOL

Well if that is the case they will start picking on the Chinese and then on the Japanese and then they will be asked to help the Chinese because they are running out of coal and no power to the light poles and people's homes and stores etc...

I would think at the rate of coal left and the glut of stuff sent to America, they will be friends before you know it...

Bush has his hands full...

No Problem...we can lose 1/4 and still win, what 1/4 do you want to give up???

Regards, Gary

When I read that it sounds like intelligence on N. Korea is a little sketchy, it would appear that it has the ability to make between 6-8 nuclear weapons, plus whatever it has produced since then. If N. Korea does have these things it is a little scary, they may still have fairly inaccurate missiles but how accurate do you have to be? I seem to recall they flew a missile over Japan (caused some stress) about 7 years ago.

N. Korea doesn't really have anywhere to go, with a drunken playboy who is fond of cowboy movies in charge, I would at least try and keep him calm.
[/QUOTE] When I read that it sounds like intelligence on N. Korea is a little sketchy, it would appear that it has the ability to make between 6-8 nuclear weapons, plus whatever it has produced since then. If N. Korea does have these things it is a little scary, they may still have fairly inaccurate missiles but how accurate do you have to be? I seem to recall they flew a missile over Japan (caused some stress) about 7 years ago.
N. Korea doesn't really have anywhere to go, with a drunken playboy who is fond of cowboy movies in charge, I would at least try and keep him calm.[/QUOTE]
Actually our intelligence on N. Korea is top notch. That is who we test all of the new equipment on. As for weapon capabilities the main worry we have from N. Korea has always been chemical and biological weapons, which they have a lot of. While yes they do have some decent missiles, they do not have a guidance system that works very well. Think about this too. If N. Korea is such a big problem for us, why do you think the US Army just pulled 12,000 soldiers out of South Korea? For the most part we feel that the South Korean military is capable of dealing with them.
-David Dempsey-
If N. Korea is such a big problem for us, why do you think the US Army just pulled 12,000 soldiers out of South Korea?[/QUOTE]
It couldn't possibly have anything to do with the massive drain of resources over in the Middle East that starts with I and ends with -raq, could it?
PeachMonkey said:
North Korea has been displaying overt aggression toward the United States since the signing of the armistice that ended the Korean War.
PeachMonkey said:
North Korea has been displaying overt aggression toward the United States since the signing of the armistice that ended the Korean War.
Internally, citizens are still being told that they are 'at war' with the US and that they should expect an invasion at any moment....and have been told this since that very armistice signing....

Fear as a control tactic.

As it stands, they can't maintain utilities and public works for the populace in their major cities every day, those in the country are living by almost medieval standards and there are no CPS for orphans to speak of....

Besides, do I really care if a maniacal Bistard doesn't like being called the leader of a tyrany? No.

I can't remember, are we embargoing them or reliefing them now?

One of the beautifully ironic things about situations like this N.Korea thing is that while they are calling us the 'enemy' they are taking grain and other relief support from us...which is what happens to some of that rice, wheat....that the government buys back from farmers in order to help stabilize the market prices.....

it if far more complicated than just "We don't want to take now...."
loki09789 said:
One of the beautifully ironic things about situations like this N.Korea thing is that while they are calling us the 'enemy' they are taking grain and other relief support from us...which is what happens to some of that rice, wheat....that the government buys back from farmers in order to help stabilize the market prices....."
On this note do you guys remember the big explosion that happend in the DPRK last year? Well most of the humanitarian aid sent there in the wake of the explosion was actually used to buy a new fleet of mercedes for the "Dear Leader," instead of being used to clean up the biohazardous material. Wow was S. Korea pissed about this one.
-David Dempsey-
D Dempsey said:
On this note do you guys remember the big explosion that happend in the DPRK last year? Well most of the humanitarian aid sent there in the wake of the explosion was actually used to buy a new fleet of mercedes for the "Dear Leader," instead of being used to clean up the biohazardous material.
According to whom?