
I noticed that a few people from martial talk have myspace profiles. If you sent a friend request to me and I denied it Im sorry, I am in the habbit of denying when people just add me for no reason, like all those bands and what not.
If your from martial talk I'll add you, I just did not know. I have been asking if they are from martial talk when I see martial arts in the profile. I just did not want anyone from martial talk thinking that I knowingly denied them. So re-add me if this happened and I'm sorry.
There are so many people who just add you and dont even spend 1 sec on your profile, they dont know crap about you and just add you to get thier friend count up. But anyone from martial talk I will accept.
I just got into using Myspace and I wanted to start a fun thread so we all could check out each others pages. Post on this thread let us know the URL of your page if you want to share it. Shoot some comments off and maybe make some new friends.

I have one, I set up wayyyy back in the day, but I never use it. Ill try and find it and post it.
... should know that to have a myspace account you have to be 14 years old and have your parents permission. Now we all know how that can go - how can any webmaster look through the magic of the interet and verify that you are at least 14? They can't.

Just like your teen can't look through the magic of the internet and verify that this kid who claims to be a student at your kid's school is actually that and not a sexual predator.

Here in Clark County, Washington, a 12-yr-old girl was chatting on MySpace with who she thought was another student at her school who made a sexually based comment to her. This bright girl told her mother who promptly called the Sherriff. The account name and password were submitted to the authorities who set up a sting and arrested a 28-yr-old sexual predator from Oregon - repeat offender.

My very own daughter's friend set up an account for her, which I busted in to. I found my daughter's age being represented as 24! I clicked on her friends and they were represented as 19, 28, 33!! So I clicked on their friends, and so on and so on.

Finding strangers was EASY. If was easy for my daughter to find them, it's easy for them to find her.

Use MySpace wisely and responsibly and just don't let your teens on the site. Remember: Where children are, predators are - always. Be prepared.
shesulsa said:
... should know that to have a myspace account you have to be 14 years old and have your parents permission. Now we all know how that can go - how can any webmaster look through the magic of the interet and verify that you are at least 14? They can't.

Just like your teen can't look through the magic of the internet and verify that this kid who claims to be a student at your kid's school is actually that and not a sexual predator.

Here in Clark County, Washington, a 12-yr-old girl was chatting on MySpace with who she thought was another student at her school who made a sexually based comment to her. This bright girl told her mother who promptly called the Sherriff. The account name and password were submitted to the authorities who set up a sting and arrested a 28-yr-old sexual predator from Oregon - repeat offender.

My very own daughter's friend set up an account for her, which I busted in to. I found my daughter's age being represented as 24! I clicked on her friends and they were represented as 19, 28, 33!! So I clicked on their friends, and so on and so on.

Finding strangers was EASY. If was easy for my daughter to find them, it's easy for them to find her.

Use MySpace wisely and responsibly and just don't let your teens on the site. Remember: Where children are, predators are - always. Be prepared.

Myspace is definitely a breeding ground for predators and caution must be taken with who you *talk* to. Children under 18, if they set up their profiles with the correct birthdate, automatically have a private profile which cannot be accessed by anyone they don't give access to. My 15 year old daughter had her profile before i put mine up. I check hers occasionally but it is set to private and her limited amount of friends she has there she knows personally.

However, too many kids DO NOT put in their correct birthdate and represent themselves as being older than they are, or they grant access to a private profile to someone they do not know.

This can get dangerous for them. I would think myspace would be just as popular for law enforcement to set up fake profiles to catch predators as it is for the predators to set up fake profiles to prey on the younger set there.

It's a fun place if used with caution and I'm glad that young girl had the presence of mind to alert her mother to what was going on. I have told my daughter the same thing about alerting me to ANY suspicious behavior or ANY inappropriate comments made to her or anyone trying to gain personal info from her. I told her even if she is smart enough not to divulge...we could help protect someone else who is not by reporting it to the authorities.
I've added -3- additional fields to your profile where you can list your LJ's, myspaces, etc. Look at my profile for where they will appear.

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