My web site is finished...

  • Thread starter Thread starter WilliamTLear
  • Start date Start date


Hey everyone...

I just finished giving my web site a whole new look. If you get the chance check it out and tell me what you think, and please sign the guest book too if you haven't already.

Click here to view my web site

Thank you,
Billy Lear :asian:
Looking good dude!

I see you have the pic of you and I squared of at Jeff Blay's. I should scann the pic of you and I choking the cr@p out of each other too. Ha ha ha!
So good to see another "kiddie" (I had to add that somewhere, no disrespect intended:asian: ) using geocities! Love the look man! Seen mine yet?
My site
I got locked out also. you need to buy more bandwidth. I'm guessing you have a fairly graphics intensive site, and graphics eat bandwidth fast. extra bandwidth on geocities is pretty cheap. Tripod also has some extra bandwidth for cheaps.
You did a great job on always,

What font are you using on your title...I really like the look of it, and I know several sites us it. Definitely want to see more pictures!!!!

Once again great job, jb:asian:
Is this the final draft? :confused: How many different versions has there been? You change your mind more than a woman does. :eek:


Just kidding my friend. I love the change, it suits you.

I didn't think that I would have 529 hits today... try now... it's comming up for me.
Originally posted by jbkenpo

You did a great job on always,

What font are you using on your title...I really like the look of it, and I know several sites us it. Definitely want to see more pictures!!!!

Once again great job, jb:asian:

I found the font, it's called "Bonzai" and is freeware....

Originally posted by jbkenpo

You did a great job on always,

What font are you using on your title...I really like the look of it, and I know several sites us it. Definitely want to see more pictures!!!!

Once again great job, jb:asian:

It's a pretty popular font... I originally got it from Mr. Conatser, and the title I have for it is Datum.ssk

Oh hell who cares what it's called... I like the way it looks, and I appreciate your compliment man.

Take Care,
Billy Lear :asian:
Originally posted by WilliamTLear

Oh hell who cares what it's called... I like the way it looks, and I appreciate your compliment man.

Take Care,
Billy Lear :asian:

I care because I'm probably gonna steal it for my site....:rofl:


Your site is looking good, well done.

(I couldn't get the links page up though).

Originally posted by Michael Billings

Keep it up Mr. Lear. It is looking good!!!


Thanks Mr. Billings. Are you going to be out in Sept.? or are things still uncertain?

Take Care,
Billy Lear

No, I probably will not make it. I have not talked to Bryan yet, but did let Tommy Burks know. I will call Bryan this week. I was hoping I could work things out, but it just does not look good family-wise right now.

I am going to miss it a lot!!!!!! Some of my students may be attending, so make them feel welcome. Just not the way Wes welcomed you!


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