MY Virus and Security Problems

KOROHO said:
Firt, I know how to remove viruses and spyware.
In order for them to "come back", they have to first "go away".
I know these files were reomoved. After updating McAfee. I must have missed an update somewhere, some how. The spyware was also removed.
I did not even think that they came from MT, until I came back. I was quite surpised. I am 100% positve that these problems are some how related to MT. And I am no computer ametuer as some people have arrogantly assumed and commented on. I used to be a partner in an ISP.

Once I log off from here now, I'll see if anything else happens. Perhaps things were taken care of and now people have to do a quick CYA.
I for one had always believed in dealing honestly and directly with people and not covering up problems like this. If there is a security breach, you have an obligation to the community to inform them so they can make sure they get software updates and avoid the problems - not deny, lie and call people names and blame someone else.

Speaking unofficially as a private member (not as a Moderator), your allegations are serious - in the same league as accusing a high-end restaurant of giving you a serious case of food poisoning - yet you have not substantiated A SINGLE ALLEGATION against Martial Talk, its Webmaster or its Administration staff. Since you take, according to your posts, character, integrity and Biblical principles very seriously, I'd do some reading up on what the Bible (your handbook according to your posts) has to say about false or unsubstantiated allegations and possible slanderous behavior.
What exactly was the title of this thread? Hmm?

Oh, yeah: MY Virus and Security problems.
:rolleyes: :lol:
Kreth said:
Hmmmm... somewhere in the neighborhood of 2500 members, and 1 (one) complaint? As a former IT guy, I'm sure you're familiar with the term Operator Error, right?

Not to mention, an even larger number of unregistered users just lurking. You would think that some of them would have said something as well.


Whatever your problem is, it was probably buried underneath something else, and certainly not part of Please check out:

and type in the name of the suspected virus in their search engine, and follow the manual removal procedures. Since you are experienced in the area of computers, the detailed instructions should be relatively simple to follow.

Cursory scans, or even detailed scans, might not kill a virus, no matter what program you are using. Some will require that you manually edit the registry, etc, or else the infection will never go away.

If doing the above clears your problem, then I (and everyone else) will be more than happy for you. You don't even have to say anything else in this thread. Just try it, and see what happens.

I've built and serviced a warehouse load of computers in my life, so I would hope that my experiences can come in handy here.
Well I cought a stomach virus in Knoxville, went to the doctor and he said I'll be fine in a couple of days. Maybe yours will be as well!!!
All joking a side MT is the greatest place to be and I have a server and Bob has done work with me and he would never do anything to hurt his baby, so it is on your end, so get it fix!!!!!
KOROHO said:
Early this morning I suspected I had a virus on my system, so I ran a scan using McAfee. Sure enough, I was right.

Now, after being back on MT, the virus is back too. My Spyware is also finding all sorts of things that I cleared off yesterday.

It seems they have some serious problems here. Be careful and scan often.

Yes, any site that would do something like that is a serious problem. I'm glad this site is not one of those. Though for you to try and blame your own security problems on someone else shows at best a serious lack of honor, and at worst an attempt to defame this site and its staffs reputation.

I used to be a partner in an ISP.
So what? I used to be partner in a car dealership, didn't mean I knew jack**** about lugnuts and transmission repair. I've worked for enough tech companies to know that the owners often know the least.

I've never received any errors, warnings, alerts involving this site (other than some page time outs due to server overload or net congestion). No spam, no unsolicited emails, no popups other than those the software by default has (PM notifications and rep boxes), no spyware and certainly no viruses. If they did that crap I and many of these other 2,500+ people who aren't having any problems would not be here.

So, why don't you take the excellent expert advice offered here, clean up your computer, and then apologize for your insult.
Edmund BlackAdder said:
So, why don't you take the excellent expert advice offered here, clean up your computer, and then apologize for your insult.

Pretty sure that page is one of several he tore out of his dictionary, long ago......:rolleyes:

Grenadier said:
Whatever your problem is, it was probably buried underneath something else.......

The cerebellum, no doubt.......:lfao:

I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding, though...
Edmund BlackAdder said:
So what? I used to be partner in a car dealership, didn't mean I knew jackschit about lugnuts and transmission repair. I've worked for enough tech companies to know that the owners often know the least.

Knowledge doesn't immune a person to problems. My customers have teams of well-qualified engineers, many with more experience than I have...and I'm not a lightweight. If knowledge was all it took to make everything go green, I'd be the Maytag repairman. My phone would never ring. *checking for missed calls*

Problems in engineering can often be solved with a fresh set of experiences and/or a fresh set of eyes. Its teamwork.
Mod. Note.
Please, keep the conversation polite and respectful.

-Mike Slosek
-MT Super Moderator-
I am a tech and I deal with PC security, Virus and malware issues. And I do not work for MT. I have spent weeks looking for spyware that I knew was on a PC that I could not see all and I could not ghost it for one reason or another. So the fact someone knows how to remove malware does not necessarily mean that they can do it every single time.

Also I cannot stress this enough…. Update your security software DAILY if your chosen software does updates daily... and they should.

First nothing and I mean nothing is 100% secure.

And now that I said that I am also equally as certain that the virus/malware issue in question did not come from MT. If it did my software would have alerted me to it long ago.

Malware, if not entirely removed, and even a professional can miss a registry entry from time to time, can cause the malware to reinstall.

Virus can be equally as tricky if not more so. Some virus issues if not removed in safe mode will automatically return at reboot.

Virus Software
McAfee Enterprise is quite good; McAfee for home use is not.
Symantec for home was going down hill the last I checked and since I have no experience with it on the corporate level I cannot comment on its performance.

F-Prot I would stay away from but F-secure was fairly good up until this year both home and enterprise.

Antispyware. I do not care what you are running, if you are only running one product you will not catch all malware nor will you remove all of the pieces of some that you catch. I recommend a minimum of 2 and in my office I run 3.

I have seen Ad Aware find some and remove them and when I ran Webroot, without a reboot, it found more pieces of the same malware.
Lavasoft Adaware is good
SpyBot is not bad
WebRoot is rather amazing
Trend Micro is also pretty good
Computer associates pest patrol for home is awful but for corporate it is not bad.
Microsoft’s product is fairly useless

F-secure not bad
Zone alarm not bad
Trend not bad.

However you have to remember I deal with corporate stuff mostly. And I will not discuss what is on my home PC on an open Internet forum.

And a note to all that may read this:
DO NOT EVER EVER download any antispyware software from a popup you get on the Internet that tells you your PC is infected

Please forgive my tone of this post, if there is one, I have been in Pentesting training all week and this is just plain scary stuff to a computer professional to learn about, but it is good to know.

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