My tournament last weekend


Master Black Belt
I competed at an open tournament on June 6th, and thought I'd post the results here in case anyone is interested. Unfortunately, I don't have any video this time.

So, I competed in the Advanced (red and brown belt) Executive (ages 32+) Women's kata and sparring, and also in Adult (18+ years) Amateur (meaning brown belt and below) Specialty kata.

In empty hand kata, I did my new creative kata. This was my second time out with it, and I made some major changes to it over the last week, so I was pretty worried that I wouldn't remember it. I got through it well, with only one hesitation when I forgot which way to turn. I placed second--.01 points behind the first place winner.

In Specialty, I did my creative fan kata. I left a large chunk out of it--I don't know what I was thinking--but the judges couldn't tell, so I tied for first. We had to do a workoff, and I was doing really well--much better than the first time. Then I dropped my stupid fan. AAAAARGH! This is the second time in a row I've dropped it in a tie workoff. The organization's rules say the judges have to drop your score to the bottom of the range if you drop your weapon. So I got second in that, too.

In sparring, my opponent and I were tied at the end of time, so it went into sudden death. I usually enjoy competing against this woman--but she lost her temper and nailed me in the nose with a very hard backfist after the judges had called break and I dropped my guard to head back to my line. It crunched, and I had to breathe through my mouth for a while. Then she did the same thing to the back of my head at the next break. She told me she really didn't mean to do it; but I was "p*ssing her off" because I kept hitting her. I think she was having a rough day. In the sudden death, the judges called the first clean point for her, so I wound up with another 2nd. Not bad for having last sparred a month ago.

So far, I appear to be the leading point earner in kata and sparring in my division for my region, and in the top five in specialty. Yay!

you did well to not hit her back in the face after she hit you in the nose