My techniques work!!!


Brown Belt
At least against an untrained fighter anyway...

You guys will have to excuse my enthusiasm over something so trivial but I have been training BJJ only for about a month and a half or so, and last night when my brother started shooting off his mouth at a family get-together I had a chance to test out what I've learned.

He said "I'd kick your *** in a wrestling match" after my dad asked how my training was going, "I'd triangle choke you" was what he said next.

I said, "OK, tell you what, I'll give you a head start and get into your guard, and we'll see what happens". So we did...

At the word go, he started wildly trying to push me with his hands (not quite sure where the triangle was going to come from that way), and then turned to the side, which put me into a side mount (I didn't even have to try!) He was still trying to push and pull at me wildly so I slipped my leg right over into a mount. Then after unsuccessfully trying for an armbar (I didn't secure his arm first) I remembered the Americana we had been working on in class, and applied it (pretty easy when he doesn't know what you're doing, or how to defend against it). He tried punching me in the side with his other arm, so I cranked it a little more and voila! A tap!

I know this may seem kinda juvenile but, have any of you ever gotten this excited when you had a chance to actually prove that you have been learning something useful? No? just me, huh? Oh well...
It's not just you trust me! If I've got a technique to work on one of the guys and they tap I will say nothing but excuse myself to go to the toilet, once there I will jump up and down punching the air, going yeah yeah yeah! it happens rarely as they are all bigger and stronger than me so when it does I am so so pleased!
It is a nice feeling to demonstrate that the much derided "Chop Suey Fighter" actually does know what he'd doing isn't it :D? :tup:.
The thing I love best about BJJ is it seems most peoples natural reactions are wrong and they put themselves into worse positions. Rolling in class you have to work real hard for everything you get, but rolling with the untrained you get a lot of gifts.
Congrats either way. When you are able to apply something for the first time it is always a rush. Maybe he won't run his mouth so much next time?
The thing I love best about BJJ is it seems most peoples natural reactions are wrong and they put themselves into worse positions. Rolling in class you have to work real hard for everything you get, but rolling with the untrained you get a lot of gifts.

Yeah I've noticed this too. Maybe that's why people who don't train it BJJ have so much trouble with it (a la Royce Gracie) A lot of the moves seem almost counter intuitive, but when you apply them you realize how natural they are...
Congrats either way. When you are able to apply something for the first time it is always a rush. Maybe he won't run his mouth so much next time?

No, he will still run his mouth, that's just how he is. In fact he was still running it after I made him tap. "That was lucky, I made it easy for you" that kind of thing. I just let it go. I had proved my point.

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