My second tourny results...


Blue Belt
We went with 5 people from my school. It was an open put on by Dave's TKD in Salem Or. I was the only one doing weapons. Miss. Phillips, I'm sorry but I mutilated it I got up there and just about forgot my name, then screwed up the name of the staff set, handed them my weapon like I was having a stroke...
I got the "representing Mr. Phillips and Primal Kenpo" part right, but that was about it. Backed up and started the form. Lost where I was half way thru, didn't stop. Did an extra figure 8, then started doing parts I know I hadn't done yet and then bowed. Ack, was terrible. It all started from the bad presentation. There was nobody else in my division so I got bummped up to the Brown and Red belts. But it was still me that blew it. Got 8.1(from a guy that knew the form)8.5, 8.5. I need to practice my presentation.

For sparring, there was 9 people in the division, including 1 from my school. It was a race to 3 points. I did much better here. Won the first match, sec match was forfiet after he hurt his knee, (I already scored 1 point on him) third guy beat me for first place and that left me as second place! The winner had beat my partner, so our school took 2nd and 3rd in that division.

Our school took 4 places total out of 5 people. 1 First, 2 Sec and a Third. Not bad for everybodys first tourny but me.
We went out for pizza afterwards. Great time was had by all. And the compatition itch has hit our dojo. Next tourny we will have somemore folks.
Hey! Some nervousness and hesitation- and even temporary memory loss are all normal for your first few tourneys!! Congrats on your can only improve by getting out there and trying.....the kata part will get easier and easier the more you get used to it and presenting it in front of others in that type of setting........good luck!!

:asian: :karate:

Don't feel bad, this last weekend I was judging (and competing) at a tournament and watched a black belt who was smoking her competition blank out 6 moves from her finish.

She was a little miffed about it. :)

Use competition to pressure test your forms, it makes testing alot easier.
