My School in Aiken, SC/Augusta, GA


Senior Master
Right now, I am shooting for five more students for my class, which is in Graniteville, SC (right in the middle of Aiken, SC and Augusta, GA). The school is 2.5 miles from Aiken Technical College on the Aiken-Augusta Highway (Jefferson Davis Hwy). The rec center that I use is right on the main four lane highway connecting the two cities.

If anyone is looking for a school, give me a call, email, or private message. I make sure that all new students gets at least two weeks free and I DO NOT do payment contracts, which means you can leave anytime if you don't like the school. The rates are $25 per month per student, but I knock down that rate some for family members of current students. There are no testing fees, joining fees, or association (yearly) fees.

My site is below in my tagline and will give you all of the information you need to contact me.

Sounds to me like you have an ideal location. I don't think you will have much trouble getting students. A little advertising and word of mouth will build the numbers quickly
My location is incredible to be honest. My setup is ideal for me also. I use the main branch of our local community center and the building is very big on the inside.

Right now, I have ten students, but am shooting for 15, which is my extreme max of students that I want to train (I seldom get help teaching).

I have seen threads here that say advertising doesn't really work, but word of mouth does. Since November, I have found that to be VERY true. I have run ads and notices out the wazoo, but have only gotten three phone calls off of dozens of advertisements. Only one of those three turned into students.

The family factor is my biggest help. Out of my ten students, two are mother/daughter, two are brothers, two are siblings, and two are sisters. The sisters are bringing their brother and the siblings bring their neighbor now. That only leaves one student with no links to the others, and she is now wanting to bring her older sister.

Still, with so many family units, if one family leaves or is absent, that leaves a large hole in attendance.

Now, here is something interesting: out of my ten students, eight are homeschoolers. I went to and found several message boards for homeschoolers in my zipcode. I put my class info on three of those groups and got lots of phone calls. Also, I got a free listing in the local homeschool trade paper and got calls and students out of that. That has been a very valuable find for me.
