Receive great news that I was nominated for a position in the World Sport Karate Federation. I'm sure it was an oversight that I was nominated for a position 'in' the Federation rather than 'over' it as a whole. I'm sure it was the broken English. I'll clear that up when I take office. I replied to the good news as follows via email:
Got a reply back from them. Hard to understand broken English but it appears they're honored to have a Supreme Grandmaster interested and want me to fill out their registration. I just zipped off a reply:
Gosh I hope I get a reply, I'm really juiced up about getting my own plane. Make getting to work a lot easier!
Thank you. I can only accept the supreme leadership role over your organization if you provide a personal plane for my use while doing seminars, work shops, general teaching and of course vacations. Please advise me of the type of plane you can provide for my use. I'm assuming of course that it will be a jet and not a propeller driven plane.
Upon my acceptance as the supreme leader over your organization I will have no choice but to downgrade everyone's title to that of master, as there can be only one Grand Master and that of course would be me. And as such, anyone using the title of Dr. will need to provide verification that they have medical training. I won't allow these fake martial arts Ph.D.'s in the organization. A new fee structure will be quickly instituted with only a modest increase over the current rate, all of course going to me.
Great to receive this position over your organization, the only thing I would wonder is why it took you so long? At any rate, you'll now have the benefit of having my signature on your certificates which in and of itself is priceless.
Ultimate, Supreme Grandmaster
Got a reply back from them. Hard to understand broken English but it appears they're honored to have a Supreme Grandmaster interested and want me to fill out their registration. I just zipped off a reply:
You want me to fill out a form telling you about my qualifications? Why, aren't you already aware of them? How can you nominate someone to take over your entire federation if you don't already know their vast and unquestionable credentials. Is this what you're doing, questioning my unquestionable credentials? When I take over the federation the first thing I'm going to do is fire the person that sends out the emails! At any rate, just put me down for a 10th Dan in every known art. Even the ones that don't use the Dan system. That should about cover it.
Anyway, about my plane, you haven't yet told me what kind of plane you are getting me. By the way, I like blue.
Oh, another thing that I will do upon taking my rightful place as the Ultimate, Supreme Grandmaster over your federation is to reduce everyone by two Dan grades. Keeps them humble so you might want to pass the word.
Well enough for now, let me know about the plane. Oh, and any reply email needs to use my full title.
Ultimate Supreme Grandmaster
Gosh I hope I get a reply, I'm really juiced up about getting my own plane. Make getting to work a lot easier!