My Mucky-Muck Vs. Your Mucky-Muck

O.K. I’m going to put this down, then stop posting to this thread unless people see what I mean.
All styles teach every form of attack.
Meaning. In an indirect or direct form all styles teach some form of striking, and grappling. I’ll explain it this way. You guys when punch you pull the opposite hand back right? Did you ever think of why? There are two major reasons. First of all (off topic) by holding your hand at a certain point over time it builds the strength of your arm through isometrics.
On topic (one of an infinite number of possible application) is you strike with your left hand, and grab your opponent’s lapel. Remember you are in a stance that is wide deep and diagonal to your opponent. As you punch you shift forward rotating on the ball of your foot to maximize speed (alla boxing). As you pull back you pull them into the strike of your right hand. Then you grab with your right hand and turn to the left and flick your opponent over your lead leg.
Indirect grappling. Remember I said “Indirectly”. Meaning not “o.k. This is why you are doing X”, but more of “do this”. Guys that do traditional Tai Chi are known for basically flicking people across the room. You have to look. And I would appreciate it if people would completely read my postings. Since some people seem to read up to a point then reply. But I hope this can stay friendly.

Sweet Brighit Bless your Blade,

I dont know how poular tis is going to be but I think MMA is the best for fighting....teach yourself to fight well in all ranges...that is best!

Maybe I am a bit biased:wink2:
SAVAGE said:
I dont know how poular tis is going to be but I think MMA is the best for fighting....teach yourself to fight well in all ranges...that is best!

Maybe I am a bit biased:wink2:

We are all biased towards our own style.

Question for you, MMA being Mixed Martial Arts, what exactly is in the mixture? Is there a standardized system called Mixed Martial Arts, or is everyone's mixture different? If different, then I guess its effectiveness at each range would depend on the quality of what parent art and the quality of the training itself that was mixed into the whole. Could be all good, or all bad, or better at some ranges but not so good at others.
Flying Crane said:
We are all biased towards our own style.

Question for you, MMA being Mixed Martial Arts, what exactly is in the mixture? Is there a standardized system called Mixed Martial Arts, or is everyone's mixture different? If different, then I guess its effectiveness at each range would depend on the quality of what parent art and the quality of the training itself that was mixed into the whole. Could be all good, or all bad, or better at some ranges but not so good at others.

I dont go to a MMA school...but I learn Judo (Grappling, ground fighting), Hapkido (Self defence, Joint locking), Boxing (hand striking), I got to green belt in TKD (Kicking), but I am not built for TKD, so I took up Goju Ryu Karate that brings it all nicely together, except for the ground fighting!

So I mix my martial arts, but I mix them as wholes, not as bits of here and bits of there..I learn whole systems!

I hope this makes sense, and answers your parent art id HKD....because it is what works best for me personally!
To begin with, the Mojito and the Tequila Sunrise both are rather delicious under the appropriate circumstances. However, the Mojito is by far the more refreshing of the two. Never, however, in the evening.

I have difficulty in drawing this to that art comparisons. The first difficulty is, I have not known enough of a sufficient number of arts by which to draw a valid comparison.

Along the same lines, I also believe, as I've seen it stated elsewhere on Martial Talk, that the essence of an art doesn't really begin to present itself until after many years of dutiful practice. With this in mind, for me to attempt to divine the value of any art is, quite frankly, outside of my realm of knowledge. And in this circumstace, mere observational knowledge is insufficient to answer the question.

Beyond that, there are only 2 arts that I've spent time learning, and I find them to be quite complimentary. Thus, it would be comparing apples and oranges. Or ham and mustard.

So I mix my martial arts, but I mix them as wholes, not as bits of here and bits of there..I learn whole systems!

I like that approach. When I first heard he term "Mixed Martial Arts" I took it to mean kinda that idea. Training in several arts as the whole arts, maybe looking at different arts for what they specialized in. Note just two or three different techniques from many different arts, but learning the art itself.

For example, although my self-defense training in my Taekwondo class involved some Hapkido sjm an d takedowns and some Judo throws and some other stuff, I never considered myself a mixed martial artist, or a Hapkido or Judo practioner for hat matter. I didn't really know or understand the other arts, I was just expediently using a few applicable techniques in a larger context that was really about Taekwondo.

If you called Martial Arts an Art, then you can call yourself a Musician if you only know a few licks from several styles of music, but you are not much of an artist because you only reach the point of repeating the cliches of several different genres, which is not really Art. An Artist can take influences from several styles of music and merge them together, but you have to at least have a feel for and understanding of and respect for the styles that goes broader, or deeper, then just echoing cliches.

OK, sorry..I don't know *where* this line of thinking is going : )

FearlessFreep said:
So I mix my martial arts, but I mix them as wholes, not as bits of here and bits of there..I learn whole systems!

I like that approach. When I first heard he term "Mixed Martial Arts" I took it to mean kinda that idea. Training in several arts as the whole arts, maybe looking at different arts for what they specialized in. Note just two or three different techniques from many different arts, but learning the art itself.

For example, although my self-defense training in my Taekwondo class involved some Hapkido sjm an d takedowns and some Judo throws and some other stuff, I never considered myself a mixed martial artist, or a Hapkido or Judo practioner for hat matter. I didn't really know or understand the other arts, I was just expediently using a few applicable techniques in a larger context that was really about Taekwondo.

If you called Martial Arts an Art, then you can call yourself a Musician if you only know a few licks from several styles of music, but you are not much of an artist because you only reach the point of repeating the cliches of several different genres, which is not really Art. An Artist can take influences from several styles of music and merge them together, but you have to at least have a feel for and understanding of and respect for the styles that goes broader, or deeper, then just echoing cliches.

OK, sorry..I don't know *where* this line of thinking is going : )

I also have taken this approach, in studying several systems as completely as I can. I guess this makes me a Mixed Martial Artist.

Anyone else out there want to weigh in on what it means to be a Mixed Martial Artist? Especially with regards to the competition level as a mixed martial artist? What is the structure of the training, and where do the techniques come from? Do most MMAs train several complete systems, or train in a single system that has been created from a mixture of other arts?
Flying Crane said:
I also have taken this approach, in studying several systems as completely as I can. I guess this makes me a Mixed Martial Artist.

Anyone else out there want to weigh in on what it means to be a Mixed Martial Artist? Especially with regards to the competition level as a mixed martial artist? What is the structure of the training, and where do the techniques come from? Do most MMAs train several complete systems, or train in a single system that has been created from a mixture of other arts?

some one should start a thread about what they think a mixed martial artist is.