My motion, Parkour

That's pretty sweet. It's really art in motion, not to mention great video editing. Keep it up.
Good vid - (have not got any sound on my computer)

Saw some vids of the french guy that invented it - can't remember his name. The UK practitioners call it free running I beleive. These guys are fantastic - very athletic. I'm sure they would all make excelent MA's

I liked the video, but at my age, trying that would result in severely disapointing my wife. Or at the least, bring tears to my eyes.

Seriously, looked good!
I crosstrain in PK to get my level of general agility and explosive strength up. A Parkour course is kind of like a light obstacle course run. No direct combative value, but a fun way to train fitness and some attributes.
SwedishChef said:
I would have broken alot of bones if I had discovered that 20 years ago.
I am hoping to start breaking my bones in the next few months.