While I am adjusting med and diet this year eating yogurt with walnuts and olive oil for brekfast and such we are trying to eat more fish. We live in an area that has a good anual run of several varieties. Silver and Kings are most sought after Kigs especially for smoking but bottom line eating salmon 2-3 times a week is a good thing. I prefere to food saver the fish in the freezer then bake or use the recipe below.
One of the most abundant fish are Pink or sometimes call Humpies when fresh out of the ocean they can be a good fish. They are not my favorite and size wize its much more effecient to put away a fish of 10-15 pound each. We will be traveling to an Eskimo Village about 70 miles away to harvest 10-15 salmon called Reds very fine salmon with deep red meat. That should be enough salmon in our freezer for the year. We also hope to harvest Moose and Muskox and eliminate all store bought red meat this year.
CAJUN BLACKENED SALMON: What I like about this is after blackened in cast iron pan its great with rice for meal with friends or chil slice and refry for salads however my wife loves making a salmon spread out of this to eat with crackers or bread:
Use real butter and cast iron pans plus your favorite Cajun Blackened seasoning or make yours from scratch. If you follow the traditional methods of having the cast iron white hot before placing salmon you will set off every smoke alarm in the house and even have hard time breathing. I have set up cooking station outside but I have found if I lower heat a bit watch to not over burn the butter and set a fan on high to outside window we can do just fine.
FILLETED Fish pree buttered and seasoned before hitting pan
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Fish fresh caught and filleted
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Leave on skin for flavor
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Blackened Salmon in Pan
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Our first Halibut 6 foot 220 pounds from our Dojang boat

One of the most abundant fish are Pink or sometimes call Humpies when fresh out of the ocean they can be a good fish. They are not my favorite and size wize its much more effecient to put away a fish of 10-15 pound each. We will be traveling to an Eskimo Village about 70 miles away to harvest 10-15 salmon called Reds very fine salmon with deep red meat. That should be enough salmon in our freezer for the year. We also hope to harvest Moose and Muskox and eliminate all store bought red meat this year.
CAJUN BLACKENED SALMON: What I like about this is after blackened in cast iron pan its great with rice for meal with friends or chil slice and refry for salads however my wife loves making a salmon spread out of this to eat with crackers or bread:
Use real butter and cast iron pans plus your favorite Cajun Blackened seasoning or make yours from scratch. If you follow the traditional methods of having the cast iron white hot before placing salmon you will set off every smoke alarm in the house and even have hard time breathing. I have set up cooking station outside but I have found if I lower heat a bit watch to not over burn the butter and set a fan on high to outside window we can do just fine.
FILLETED Fish pree buttered and seasoned before hitting pan
View attachment $Cajun Salmon 001.jpg
Fish fresh caught and filleted
View attachment $Cajun Salmon 003.jpg
Leave on skin for flavor
View attachment $Cajun Salmon 002.jpg
Blackened Salmon in Pan
View attachment $Cajun Salmon 006 2.jpg
Our first Halibut 6 foot 220 pounds from our Dojang boat