my liven densho 2

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Blue Belt
Jul 30, 2011
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Kenjutsu the shinobi where the best of decepsion where form is weak that other say that really strong
in art of battle or combat there two fact life and death...

The sword is part of the body and mind not of steel lack of feeling but make really work for you must make them think you are weak trap in decepsion thay will win you will loues in reality you done set them up to fail as hatsumi said change there weakniess to your win! I applie this everything i do you'll see weak form and crapy writing but in fact you'll done lost your egde of the art that ninjutsu....

blackswordshinobi -- togakure ryu ninjutsu and ninpo

Kenjutsu (剣術[SUP]?[/SUP]), meaning "the method, or technique, of the sword." This is opposed to kendo, which means the way of the sword.[SUP][1][/SUP] Kenjutsu, which originated with the samurai class of feudal Japan,[SUP][2][/SUP] is the umbrella term for all traditional (koryū) schools of Japanese swordsmanship, in particular those that predate the Meiji Restoration and the modern styles of Kendo and Iaido that emerged from the traditional schools in the late 19th century.
The exact activities undertaken when practising kenjutsu vary with school, but commonly include practice of battlefield techniques without opponent and techniques where two persons paired kata(featuring full contact strikes in some styles).[SUP][3][/SUP] Historically schools incorporated sparring under a variety of conditions, from using solid wooden bokutō to use of bamboo sword (shinai) and armor (bogu).[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP]:XII, XIII[/SUP] In modern times sparring in Japanese swordsmanship is more strongly associated withKendo.

A ninja (忍者[SUP]?[/SUP]) or shinobi (忍び[SUP]?[/SUP]) was a covert agent or mercenary in feudal Japan who specialized in unorthodox warfare. The functions of the ninja included espionage, sabotage, infiltration, and assassination, and open combat in certain situations.[SUP][1][/SUP] Their covert methods of waging war contrasted the ninja with the samurai, who observed strict rules about honor and combat.[SUP][2][/SUP] The shinobi proper, a specially trained group of spies and mercenaries, appeared in the Sengoku or "warring states" period, in the 15th century,[SUP][3][/SUP] but antecedents may have existed in the 14th century,[SUP][4][/SUP] and possibly even in the 12th century (Heian or early Kamakura era).[SUP][5][/SUP][SUP][6][/SUP]

What is "decepsion" ?
I'm afraid that word doesn't appear in my copy of Websters.

Kenjutsu the shinobi where the best of decepsion where form is weak that other say that really strong
in art of battle or combat there two fact life and death...

Makes no sense. Rephrase it in proper English please.

The sword is part of the body and mind not of steel lack of feeling but make really work for you must make them think you are weak trap in decepsion thay will win you will loues in reality you done set them up to fail as hatsumi said change there weakniess to your win! I applie this everything i do you'll see weak form and crapy writing but in fact you'll done lost your egde of the art that ninjutsu...

Again, this makes no sense. It's gibberish. It reads like a Dr. Bronner label.

wow but i know come nexts lower boomb key to not look strong but make enemy cone in and take him to his doom
Ya Mon, We Failn Mon. We not da wons who be lookn stupif mon. We not da wons mon who be ignorant mon.

Because unlike you I can pass a third grade literacy test with easy.

Sekret Ninjer Twanin, Black Sword Style.
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You list your rank as this:
first degree balt black shodan

First of all, what's a "balt"? Did you mean "belt"?

Why would a ninja use any rank at all, considering that at the time Kano developed the belt system, Ninja's were pretty much extinct, and historically never used it?

Who awarded you that rank?

Do you have a photo or scan of the actual certificate that shows you earned the rank?

Who taught you?

Did you learn from an actual person, in person?

Or, did you learn from video and books?

These are very simple questions, none of which should be a problem when they have over 20 years experience like you claim.
belt in japan called obi first degree black belt is shodan dud you really read that decepsion is part of kenjutsu as will i my ninjust both from other you go aginst hatsumi or stephen k hayes some you;ll mission your self the shinobi where the best of decepsion where form is weak that other say that really strong

you'll to slow learn the art of ninjutsu I study for real it seem youll never going to school i dont play game come real fighting life or death if can use decepsion in a fight how you going to win these just word for you but it is english .................
belt in japan called obi first degree black belt is shodan dud you really that decepsion is part of kenjutsu as will i my ninjust both from other you go aginst hatsumi or stephen k hayes some you;ll mission your self

belt in japan called obi
Obi (帯, おび , literally "sash"[SUP]?[/SUP]) is a sash for traditional Japanese dress, keikogi worn for Japanese martial arts, and part of kimono outfits.
one wrong.

first degree black belt is shodan
Shodan (初段[SUP]?[/SUP]), literally meaning "beginning degree," is the lowest black belt rank in Japanese martial arts[SUP][1][/SUP] and the game of Go. The 2nd dan is higher than Shodan, but the 1st dan is called Shodan traditionally and the 1st dan is not called "Ichidan". This is because the character 初 (sho, alternative pronunciation: hatsu) also means first, new or beginning in Japanese.

One right. 50% so far.

you really that decepsion is part of kenjutsu as will i my ninjust both from other you go aginst hatsumi or stephen k hayes some you;ll mission your self

I have no idea just what the **** you just said there. Can you at least spell the words right? Is right-click - Spell Check THAT ****ing hard? Really?

Are you saying that Stephen Hayes is your direct instructor? That if I call him right now and say "Hey Steve, Billy's on MT saying things. You know Billy right?" That he'll say "Yeah Keil, I know Billy, he does these cool videos on youtube with his washer running that we all think are awesome."


W.T.F. Dude!
belt in japan called obi first degree black belt is shodan dud you really read that decepsion is part of kenjutsu as will i my ninjust both from other you go aginst hatsumi or stephen k hayes some you;ll mission your self the shinobi where the best of decepsion where form is weak that other say that really strong

you'll to slow learn the art of ninjutsu I study for real it seem youll never going to school i dont play game come real fighting life or death if can use decepsion in a fight how you going to win these just word for you but it is english .................

The Art of War. Know your Battlefield. Understand your battlefield. Master your battlefield.
You are on a written forum, a battleground of writing.
I am a college educated adult, with an extensive vocabulary of complexity, able to weave weapons of word out of sparse atmosphere.

You are an ignorant, semi literate, who lives in a ninja fantasy world, who plays ninja in his back yard, who hasn't had any real training, relying instead on mis guided and out of context bits gleaned from fragments on the internet.

You have seen Stephen Hayes in a computer screen. I have had dinner with him and his wife.
You read his book. I picked his brain.

In short, you are a joke. A sad, sorry joke. You can not compete on this battle field. I hold the high ground. ALL! warfare is based on deception Billy. You are a paper shodan. I earned my rank. I earned my title. There is a reason I am "The Last Legionary".

So you bring your flashy powders, and crawl in the mud. I have a pilum you can't dodge, and a gladius that'll crack your little BudK Hollywood "ninja sword" in half.

High ground Billy. Know yourself, Know your enemy, win 100% of the time. I got 3 aces, and you're just a sorry pathetic joker.

Want to prove me wrong? Want to beat me? Then post something literate, and start with answers to my easy to answer questions.

ne puero gladium.
Admin's Note:

Thread closed for review.

-Ronald Shin
-MT Assistant Administrator
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