Brown Belt
I posted this on another forum, do you think I got to carried away in my meglamanic depression :idunno:
If you had read my post clearly :cry: you would see that it is not refered to as the "three energies of the pole" the three energies are as follows:
1) Sui Lum Tao energy: the energy springing from the root
2) Chum Kui Energy: the energy of the arm Bridge
3) Bui Jee Energy: also sometimes refered to as "whirpool energy" which is linked to the tourquing energy of the joints i.e. shoulder, wrist (which is also why it is called Bui Jee "shooting fingers")
Therefore these are the 3 energies of Wing Chun, not of the pole, (yes it is the 6 and a half point pole for obvious reasons)
The main thrust of my post is simple if you have not developed these three energies to a sufficeint level you will only serve to destruct your handswhen learning the pole, as to operate the pole properly, with the proper use of biomechanics, as opposed to muscular strength, you need these energies as the foundation. You see Sui Lum Tao, Chum Kui, and Bui Jee are the meat and potatoes, all the rest build upon the foundation laid be the three empty hand forms.
As for having a beef, I am simply expressing what I know in order to save people from making what should be clear as fundamental errors in the system. This system was built by a woman, propagated by 5 foot nothing scrawny Chinese men (i.e. Sigung) who's fighthing prowess was renowned, they could only make this happen through the proper use of biomechanics and laws of physics, yet contemporary teachers of Wing chun seem to have left the original sighn posts and traveled in another direction in which Wing chun was never meant to go, what it also means is that by and large in the martial arts community wing chun is seen as ineffective and ultimatly a waste of time to learn, even former students of Wing Chun say that the art is ineffective, and teachers cant keep playing the "ahh well you know they just aren't committed" game any more. The whole Wing Chun community (including myself) need to take a long hard look at why this is, why is it that a kick butt style, which once dominated the HK rooftops is now ever so quickly sinking into decline, why we are getting our bums handed to us in competitions such as the UFC, and lets not use the excuse "well you know we cant win because of the rules" or "well Wing Chun just has all of these gaps in it", bollocks, we can win, we need to come back to basics, stop trying to chase the "advanced" techniques, and learn again to fall in love with the functional and powerful simplicity of pure (yes, I said it) pure Wing Chun, does it exsist, yes. Wing Chun is not open to private interprataion in the principle, only in the method of delivery, yet people seem content to tinker, instead of putting new wheels on, they want to rip open the bonnet and start pulling out this and that, twisting the original heart of Wing Chun. I remember a saying that Bruce Lee said, and even though these days I am not the Lee fan I once was, there is a truth to this that he most certainly gleaned from Wing Chun, and it is in this truth that the true Wing Chun is captured in its pure essence:
"its not daily increse, its daily decrease, like
the sculptor does not keep adding clay
but strips away the inessentials until the
truth is revealed
My own personal belief is that the true essence of Wing Chun, the simplicity of it, and the beuty within that simplicity, has to a large degree been lost in a rush of people clawing their way to the role of Sifu whether that be for financial, egotistical or well intentioned reasons, people declaring themeselves to be Wing Chun masters, no one can ever say they are a master, how can they, for no one ever masters wing Chun, we should always remain students, but such titles look impressive, and take in the glittering eyes of the potential student, with their cotton candy dreams of defeating ten crazed mainiacs with a single sweep of their hand. If I gain ten students my whole life to whom I can pass on my Sifus hands to, then I will be happier than have a thousand students, and a hundred Instructors, who have misconstured my intent, yes we have to eat, but at what price to our art?
Anyway I know I am going to get flamed from hell and back for this one but I am to old to worry about that.
PaulH said:Bcbernam77,
Okay, where's the beef? Your talk of the 3 energies of the pole fascinates me, I could listen for hours! :lol: Seriously, the main point of the pole traditionally is 6 points and 1/2. So what's this 3 energies?![]()
If you had read my post clearly :cry: you would see that it is not refered to as the "three energies of the pole" the three energies are as follows:
1) Sui Lum Tao energy: the energy springing from the root
2) Chum Kui Energy: the energy of the arm Bridge
3) Bui Jee Energy: also sometimes refered to as "whirpool energy" which is linked to the tourquing energy of the joints i.e. shoulder, wrist (which is also why it is called Bui Jee "shooting fingers")
Therefore these are the 3 energies of Wing Chun, not of the pole, (yes it is the 6 and a half point pole for obvious reasons)
The main thrust of my post is simple if you have not developed these three energies to a sufficeint level you will only serve to destruct your handswhen learning the pole, as to operate the pole properly, with the proper use of biomechanics, as opposed to muscular strength, you need these energies as the foundation. You see Sui Lum Tao, Chum Kui, and Bui Jee are the meat and potatoes, all the rest build upon the foundation laid be the three empty hand forms.
As for having a beef, I am simply expressing what I know in order to save people from making what should be clear as fundamental errors in the system. This system was built by a woman, propagated by 5 foot nothing scrawny Chinese men (i.e. Sigung) who's fighthing prowess was renowned, they could only make this happen through the proper use of biomechanics and laws of physics, yet contemporary teachers of Wing chun seem to have left the original sighn posts and traveled in another direction in which Wing chun was never meant to go, what it also means is that by and large in the martial arts community wing chun is seen as ineffective and ultimatly a waste of time to learn, even former students of Wing Chun say that the art is ineffective, and teachers cant keep playing the "ahh well you know they just aren't committed" game any more. The whole Wing Chun community (including myself) need to take a long hard look at why this is, why is it that a kick butt style, which once dominated the HK rooftops is now ever so quickly sinking into decline, why we are getting our bums handed to us in competitions such as the UFC, and lets not use the excuse "well you know we cant win because of the rules" or "well Wing Chun just has all of these gaps in it", bollocks, we can win, we need to come back to basics, stop trying to chase the "advanced" techniques, and learn again to fall in love with the functional and powerful simplicity of pure (yes, I said it) pure Wing Chun, does it exsist, yes. Wing Chun is not open to private interprataion in the principle, only in the method of delivery, yet people seem content to tinker, instead of putting new wheels on, they want to rip open the bonnet and start pulling out this and that, twisting the original heart of Wing Chun. I remember a saying that Bruce Lee said, and even though these days I am not the Lee fan I once was, there is a truth to this that he most certainly gleaned from Wing Chun, and it is in this truth that the true Wing Chun is captured in its pure essence:
"its not daily increse, its daily decrease, like
the sculptor does not keep adding clay
but strips away the inessentials until the
truth is revealed
My own personal belief is that the true essence of Wing Chun, the simplicity of it, and the beuty within that simplicity, has to a large degree been lost in a rush of people clawing their way to the role of Sifu whether that be for financial, egotistical or well intentioned reasons, people declaring themeselves to be Wing Chun masters, no one can ever say they are a master, how can they, for no one ever masters wing Chun, we should always remain students, but such titles look impressive, and take in the glittering eyes of the potential student, with their cotton candy dreams of defeating ten crazed mainiacs with a single sweep of their hand. If I gain ten students my whole life to whom I can pass on my Sifus hands to, then I will be happier than have a thousand students, and a hundred Instructors, who have misconstured my intent, yes we have to eat, but at what price to our art?
Anyway I know I am going to get flamed from hell and back for this one but I am to old to worry about that.