My little dragon


Senior Master
Hello everybody, last sunday my little girl Anie did his yellow belt examination and she did it very well!!! The sambonim that conducted the evaluation was Master Manuel Jurado Malacara an international champion and our first olimpic medal (bronce at Seul's Olimpic Games 1988).

Master Jurado is a very kind person, I chat with him afther the examination and oh boy I retuned to the past, I recall 1988 I was a new black belt first dan and Korea show the world TKD, I was 21 years old.

I will try to post some pics of the examination.

This is my little angel

From left to right: My sambunim Master Miguel A. Carillo, Me, Sambunim Anette Lyons, Master Manuel Jurado and in the center Anie.

Like a father like a daugter

Sorry for the poor cuality of the pics, I use a 35 mm camera and I scaned the pics.

I really enjoyed the examination seein my little dragon following the father's steps.


AWE, she is such a cuty! ^_^

gratZ! She is lucky, most folks I know don't send little girls to Karadee ;) (sigh)

(soweee I miss my TKD kiddos. been gone for a while and all of that Jazz)
She's beautiful! You should be very proud. :) Kind of hard to tell in still photos, but it looks like she has nice, strong punches and blocks in those patterns.
Offcouse I'm proud!!! I don't have a son to pass all my knowledge about MA, Hunting and Shooting but God sent me a little angel who likes these 3 passions I have.

Laura my oldest daughter likes more girlie stuff, she did olimpic gimnastics for 3 years, now she´s doing ballet and jazz, Anie is a little rougher than Laura and she did some track training and now TKD.

One night maybe 6 monts ago I invited anie to train with me and she was hooked inmidiately, so she ask her mom to train, wife did not take Anie seriusly and does not allowed to train, you know. She will become a tomboy! They gone hurt her! Her feet are gona be horrendous! a broken nose no no no (like the father)!!!, besides she had open heart surgery they gona hurt her!!!! etc,etc,etc...

At last papa won and Anie is doing something she likes, don't know if she will become a black belt, however as long as she like it is good for me.

Offcouse I'm proud!!! I don't have a son to pass all my knowledge about MA, Hunting and Shooting but God sent me a little angel who likes these 3 passions I have.

Laura my oldest daughter likes more girlie stuff, she did olimpic gimnastics for 3 years, now she´s doing ballet and jazz, Anie is a little rougher than Laura and she did some track training and now TKD.

One night maybe 6 monts ago I invited anie to train with me and she was hooked inmidiately, so she ask her mom to train, wife did not take Anie seriusly and does not allowed to train, you know. She will become a tomboy! They gone hurt her! Her feet are gona be horrendous! a broken nose no no no (like the father)!!!, besides she had open heart surgery they gona hurt her!!!! etc,etc,etc...

At last papa won and Anie is doing something she likes, don't know if she will become a black belt, however as long as she like it is good for me.


That is the right attitude to have.
That's fantastic - congratulations!

My little girl is more of a tomboy too, I tend to think that it's better for them to learn a skill like MA than ballet or gymnastics - I think MA will serve them better throughout their life. SHe is very lucky to have you be so encouraging!
Both of my girls are as girlie as you can get (barbie, pink dresses etc...) and they both like TKD. They are in the "Tiny Lions" program, one of them is a yellow/white belt and the other one is an orange belt. My oldest girl (6 years old) wants to know if she can wear a pink Do-Bok. She also asked me why they do not have a pink belt. I told her that when she makes red belt we will wash the belt a few times to get it looking pink.
Both of my girls are as girlie as you can get (barbie, pink dresses etc...) and they both like TKD. They are in the "Tiny Lions" program, one of them is a yellow/white belt and the other one is an orange belt. My oldest girl (6 years old) wants to know if she can wear a pink Do-Bok. She also asked me why they do not have a pink belt. I told her that when she makes red belt we will wash the belt a few times to get it looking pink.

Our first school had a pink belt. No it was not part of the regular ciriculum. It was for anyone that forgot their belt at home to wear.

Something tells me that if you daughter was at that school, she would "forget" her belt often, LOL.

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