Senior Master
Hello everybody, last sunday my little girl Anie did his yellow belt examination and she did it very well!!! The sambonim that conducted the evaluation was Master Manuel Jurado Malacara an international champion and our first olimpic medal (bronce at Seul's Olimpic Games 1988).
Master Jurado is a very kind person, I chat with him afther the examination and oh boy I retuned to the past, I recall 1988 I was a new black belt first dan and Korea show the world TKD, I was 21 years old.
I will try to post some pics of the examination.
This is my little angel

From left to right: My sambunim Master Miguel A. Carillo, Me, Sambunim Anette Lyons, Master Manuel Jurado and in the center Anie.

Like a father like a daugter

Sorry for the poor cuality of the pics, I use a 35 mm camera and I scaned the pics.
I really enjoyed the examination seein my little dragon following the father's steps.
Master Jurado is a very kind person, I chat with him afther the examination and oh boy I retuned to the past, I recall 1988 I was a new black belt first dan and Korea show the world TKD, I was 21 years old.
I will try to post some pics of the examination.
This is my little angel

From left to right: My sambunim Master Miguel A. Carillo, Me, Sambunim Anette Lyons, Master Manuel Jurado and in the center Anie.

Like a father like a daugter

Sorry for the poor cuality of the pics, I use a 35 mm camera and I scaned the pics.
I really enjoyed the examination seein my little dragon following the father's steps.