I've got my diploma


Senior Master
Well I have my diploma that certificates me as a 2nd. degree black belt, I've got it from the hands of my sambunim this past sunday in a small ceremony afther the kyup examination, now I am more relaxed about this thing and can sit and reevalute what I am going to do now.

In the kyup examination I was helping my sambunim to take care of the children, you know scort them infront of the examinators, take them out of the mat, prepare them for kyorugi (put on and take off the hogus), and asisting in the kyompa. I was standing till 8:30 to 12:00 using my TKD shoes with the insoles, even with this my feet hurt me alot at the end of the test, the disconfort was big and I think wihtout the shoes and insoles I would not finish standing.

Maybe I will take some weeks out of dojang and try to loose weight in other way, maybe I will go back to kenpo once or twice a week only or I would take something else not as critical for my feet like aikido once per week.

Maybe I need a little break from TKD my feet are killing me.

Congrats Manny try to take care of your feet and the wieght keep working on it.
Congratulations Sir!
You have earned it!

I don't know if it consoles you, but being on your feet at testing for that time does take a toll on the feet, even without prior problems.
Thank you very much Granfire and Terry for your words. Terry as we both are in the same boat (weight) you already know how dificult it's gona be reach our best weight, I know you are trying hard my friend and I have to do it too, in some way I feel myself disloyal with my sambonim because maybe I will take a time out of TKD but believe me my feet need a break, every single day I wake up I feel the disconfort and the pain and this is not right, I will take againg the kenpo classes that I feel more suitable for me feet, however if this does not work I will have to stop doing any ma and see what else I can do.

Yestarday I meet casually on the street to my kenpo friend Gabor and he asked me when I will go to kenpo, I told him maybe in a couple of weeks and he told me they are waiting for me, and to not kenpo let go.

Congrats Manny on getting your diploma!

I just read in the most recent Black Belt Magazine that a hardcore MA workout burns 630 calories in an hour. This compares favorably to swimming (400 calories/hr) and jogging (650? calories/hr). I guess the problem is that if you have an ongoing foot problem, all that kicking is going to cause more pain and suffering.
Congrats Manny on getting your diploma!

I just read in the most recent Black Belt Magazine that a hardcore MA workout burns 630 calories in an hour. This compares favorably to swimming (400 calories/hr) and jogging (650? calories/hr). I guess the problem is that if you have an ongoing foot problem, all that kicking is going to cause more pain and suffering.

That's right, in TKD as we kick a lot and my weight thing I put too much presure in my lefth foot,pleade ad to this, the jumping and the spinning motion of the suport feet and you can see all the force or torque I put on my lefth foot.

As time pass by I can tell you, I have very little pain or disconfort in average working day, however if I still standing for a long period of time or walk more than 4 or 5 block I start with pain and disnconfort.

I've been resting (no exercise) for about 4 weeks and this has helped plus the foot therapy and I think that maybe... just maybe I could do a little Kenpo (much more hands than feet) but it's a try and error thing so lets see.

Hey Manny,

Just an FYI but if you are a little overweight then you really probably should not be jumping while doing TKD until the weight comes down. That is an awful lot of extra weight hitting the knees, ankles and feet. Instead I would advise to work on the weight and not jump.
Hey Manny,

Just an FYI but if you are a little overweight then you really probably should not be jumping while doing TKD until the weight comes down. That is an awful lot of extra weight hitting the knees, ankles and feet. Instead I would advise to work on the weight and not jump.

Yes sir, infact the jumping is a minimum, however the torke I put when I do spining kicks and the presure too in very high kicks like the an chagis and bakat chagis then my foot sole hurts.

I think (and that's why I will do some kenpo) that simple kicks at mid section like the front kick (ap chagi), dolyo chagi (roundhouse) and yop chagi (side kick) will not hurt me.

Congratulations Manny! All my best as you recover & loose the weight that you want to.:asian:

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