My granddaughter starts karate training tomorrow

No, there's unfortunately no Issinryu dojo near her. I'm trying to find out more, I think it's Shorinryu.
Googled Isshin Ryu Texas and found several schools in the Dallas area, and one farther east in Longview. Not much considering the size of that state. I studied Isshin Ryu 30 something years ago here in Rochester when I was 10 or 11. Didn't stick to it but hoping your granddaughter does.
Googled Isshin Ryu Texas and found several schools in the Dallas area, and one farther east in Longview. Not much considering the size of that state. I studied Isshin Ryu 30 something years ago here in Rochester when I was 10 or 11. Didn't stick to it but hoping your granddaughter does.
Yeah, they are out in the sticks.
FYI, I found out that the school is a Shorin Ryu Matsumura affiliated school. At least some similarity to the Isshinryu that I study. Anyone here familiar with it?
Make sure you get lots of pics. 5 of my 6 grandkids went through a least 3 months of TKD just long enough to get some cute pics. My grandson Jude stayed with bjj for two years from 8-10. Got some good action vids. Hey grandpa, wanna see my rear naked choke? Lol.
She's 8 years old and really looking forward to it. I wish I was there to train her, but she's in Texas and I'm in Michigan. Still, I'm thrilled for her.
Thats awesome! I started shotokan at 5 or 6 can't remember. I never really got any good but the dojo code and the shotokan creed and the life wisdom from sensei gave me a moral compass and still to this day I know it's helped me. And it's fun to train and learn and make friends! If I ever have kids I want them to start kali as soon as they can.
FYI, I found out that the school is a Shorin Ryu Matsumura affiliated school. At least some similarity to the Isshinryu that I study. Anyone here familiar with it?
I mean karate is karate and there will be more than some similarities between styles.
FYI, I found out that the school is a Shorin Ryu Matsumura affiliated school. At least some similarity to the Isshinryu that I study. Anyone here familiar with it?
As the school is Matsumura affiliated, it may be of the Matsubayashi branch of Shorinryu founded by Soshin Nagamine. He and Isshinryu founder, T. Shimabuku, both studied under Shobayashi Shorinryu master Kyan Chotoku, so there is a close relationship between the styles.
As the school is Matsumura affiliated, it may be of the Matsubayashi branch of Shorinryu founded by Soshin Nagamine. He and Isshinryu founder, T. Shimabuku, both studied under Shobayashi Shorinryu master Kyan Chotoku, so there is a close relationship between the styles.

I believe that those are two different styles, although the name is VERY close. You are correct that Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu was founded by Soshin Nagamine. He named the style after two important masters (branches). "Matsu" in honor of MatsumUra Soken (Shorin) and Kosaku MatsumOra (Tomari). "Byashi" translates into "forest", so the name would be another variation of "Pine Forest" or as we in the west would refer to it as "Shaolin".

Shorin Ryu Matsumura traces its lineage to Sokon Matsumura, also called "Bushi Matsumura" as the founder. He passed his style on to his grandson, Nabe Matsumura. Just before he passed, Nabe passed the lineage on to his nephew, Hohan Soken. The lineage holder now is Fusei Kise, who received it from Soken.

Bill-If you look at the kata Seisan, you will immediately recognize the upper body movements as being almost identical to Isshin-Ryu's Seisan kata. As you well know, some people refer to IR as Shorin upper body and Goju lower body. This is one of the katas that you can really see it in that doesn't have as many refinements by Tatsuo Shimabuku as some of the other katas, like Wansu.
I believe that those are two different styles
Thanks for the clarification. I know of Hohan Soken and Fusei Kise, of course, but was not aware (or had forgotten) that they were of the Shorinryu branch called Matsumura Seito Shorinryu. I wonder how close this is to Bushi Matsumura's original Shuri Te, prior to its branching into the various flavors or Shorinryu and other intervening factors, though this lineage is probably as close as it gets.
Thanks for the clarification. I know of Hohan Soken and Fusei Kise, of course, but was not aware (or had forgotten) that they were of the Shorinryu branch called Matsumura Seito Shorinryu. I wonder how close this is to Bushi Matsumura's original Shuri Te, prior to its branching into the various flavors or Shorinryu and other intervening factors, though this lineage is probably as close as it gets.

No worries, I also have wondered how close it is to the "original". I know many of the arts went through refinements/changes through the years.