My first Wushu class!


Senior Master
I had my first Wushu class last was amazing!!

Im looking for a new art to do and aside from the usual TKD and Karate clubs, there is not a lot else around this area, then I heard about a 8 week intro course that was being held at one of the local High Schools.

So we did the first (I think it was called) swing kick, where you hold your arms out straight at shoulder height and swing your leg straight up. I must say it adds a whole new dimension to training when you need to have your arms up, im use to keeping hands in a guard position.

We also did some basic stretches and balance poses etc and learnt the first six moves of a form called ‘five stances’ I cant remember what the Chinese name was.

Unfortunately I had done a intense Yoga class the night before and my muscles were screaming and

Im looking forward to learning more, it is such a beautiful art.
Sarah, it all sounds fantastic! I am so happy for you. Trying new things is great! Congrats, honey!

Sounds awesome Sarah. So...this is modern Wushu you're taking? It will be interesting to hear what you're taught. Keep us posted on your lessons and HAVE FUN!! :) :asian:
Sounds great! Glad that you had a good time.
Keep us posted on how your classes go.
Is this modern or traditional WuShu that you are learning?
hrm...I donÂ’t know if its modern or traditional?? I will have to ask that tonight.

I am totally ignorant when it comes to Kung Fu...I know nothing. This was the only Kung Fu (aside from Wing Chun) that was on offer in Hamilton.

Its only an 8 class intro course, if im still interested after 8 classes I guess I can talk to the instructor about joining is club.

So tell me..what is the difference between modern and traditional Wushu??
In very simple terms, modern wushu is more performance/acrobatically focused with little to no practicality, traditional wushu is martial focused, probably what you're looking for in kung fu. If so, check out the wing chun school. Even if it is modern wushu you may have a lot of fun learning it, but it won't serve you well for self defense purposes.
Sil Lum TigerLady said:
In very simple terms, modern wushu is more performance/acrobatically focused with little to no practicality, traditional wushu is martial focused, probably what you're looking for in kung fu. If so, check out the wing chun school. Even if it is modern wushu you may have a lot of fun learning it, but it won't serve you well for self defense purposes.

From what we have done so far I would say it is traditional, last night we worked some more on our form which was really cool, did some more balance poses and stretching. It was a similar set up to last week which was good, I like a bit of uniformity in classes.

Im not at all interested in going to the wing chun club, I tried a little some years back, and its really not for me. Also im not interested in training for self defense so am not concerned if its not 'real life' type of stuff.

Ive really enjoyed classes so far, my instructor is strict with out being to in ya face like my last instructor, he is soft spoken and very approachable, he also teaches Tai Chi and is very into chi flow and yin yang etc, which I also really like.

So all in all im very happy with training and will stick with this instructor and see where it takes me. However I have had a little trouble with my right adductor which I ripped almost 2yrs ago, it is so tight and movement is very restricted.

I also have to say that Wushu is a very beautiful and graceful sure this along with Yoga is gonna do wonder for my posture. :)

It sounds awesome Sarah. So glad you found something to really enjoy. A beautiful and graceful art for a beautiful and graceful woman. Keep us posted on your progress. :asian:
Happy to here you are enjoying the classes so far. Have youb learned any more about the system?

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