My daughter has restored my faith in the Holidays


Senior Master
Fellow MT'ers. I have to admit...the past coupel of years I've struggled with finding that Holiday spirit. This year in particular was really bad. So many aweful things happening in the world, so many aweful things happening ot family and friends (not need to go into details, but it's serisouly a new holiday record for hardship and tragedy for me and mine it seems). In my job, watching as the children I'm tasked with caring for regress behaviorally as they struggle with the strain and stress of the holidays and dealing with all the stuff they generally don't eroded away at my joy. It eroded away at my faith in th ebasic goodness of humanity.

Not to get too religious or spiritual onuy'all...but in my faith we are taught to "see that of God in everyone." I was saddened as i was strugglign to do that. Quite frankly, I wanted the holidays ot be over so I could get back to what passes for "normal" around here.

Last night,m as my wife and I were finishing up the last bit of "Santa" wrappign and the stuffing of stockings as our kids slept we were talkign about this and grieving a little bit the loss of Holiday spirit. it was at that point I got yet another fabulous holiday gift. My oldest son hands me soemthing he found downstairs nest tot he plat of santa cookies.

It was a bag with two stuffed animals and a note from my daughter ot Santa.

"Dear Santa,
Please give these dolls to someone who needs thems, wants them or could use them more than me. These are good dolls and someone really desrves them. Love Rhiannon"

My daughter took two of her favorite stuffed cats and without any word ot us, without any prompting from us...arranged for Santa to give them to someone who needed tham more than her. I was struck speechless. My daughter gets it. And here I was wallowing in self-pity instead of focusing on what was really important....especially when times are tough.

Thank Rhiannon for restoring my faith and holiday spirit this Christmas. You'r a VERY special littel girl.

Same lesson learned here. My girls were delighted opening their presents this morning, and that's one of the high points for me every year along with watching holiday movies together.

The older girl also put a huge effort in for days to make the house look nice, and the younger one must have put hours into the folder she gave me, complete with letter to me about her thanks and love. Both went out of their way to find things to give to the Rescue Mission, and to write meaningful cards for friends going through rough times.

Christmas is largely about making children happy - but it is also a time for learning from our children. Like every other day, the holidays are in large part what we make them.

Hoping all who read this enjoy this season.... and get some faith and joy back.
Thank you for that.
Having read and debating about posting a "horror story" of a Santa in California I'm glad you found something warm, wonderful and worthwhile to share with us.

Blessed are the children indeed for they CAN show the way if we adults would take the time to listen.

Your little girl is an angel, bless her and bless you for seeing the deep wisdom in her actions.


(I cannot rep though I would very much like to)
Thats so nice. Thanks for sharing. Our kids can have a way of bringing so much more spirit to our lives.
Fellow MT'ers. I have to admit...the past coupel of years I've struggled with finding that Holiday spirit. This year in particular was really bad. So many aweful things happening in the world, so many aweful things happening ot family and friends (not need to go into details, but it's serisouly a new holiday record for hardship and tragedy for me and mine it seems). In my job, watching as the children I'm tasked with caring for regress behaviorally as they struggle with the strain and stress of the holidays and dealing with all the stuff they generally don't eroded away at my joy. It eroded away at my faith in th ebasic goodness of humanity.

Not to get too religious or spiritual onuy'all...but in my faith we are taught to "see that of God in everyone." I was saddened as i was strugglign to do that. Quite frankly, I wanted the holidays ot be over so I could get back to what passes for "normal" around here.

Last night,m as my wife and I were finishing up the last bit of "Santa" wrappign and the stuffing of stockings as our kids slept we were talkign about this and grieving a little bit the loss of Holiday spirit. it was at that point I got yet another fabulous holiday gift. My oldest son hands me soemthing he found downstairs nest tot he plat of santa cookies.

It was a bag with two stuffed animals and a note from my daughter ot Santa.

"Dear Santa,
Please give these dolls to someone who needs thems, wants them or could use them more than me. These are good dolls and someone really desrves them. Love Rhiannon"

My daughter took two of her favorite stuffed cats and without any word ot us, without any prompting from us...arranged for Santa to give them to someone who needed tham more than her. I was struck speechless. My daughter gets it. And here I was wallowing in self-pity instead of focusing on what was really important....especially when times are tough.

Thank Rhiannon for restoring my faith and holiday spirit this Christmas. You'r a VERY special littel girl.

Just be sure you tell her, and not just us.
It was, indeed, a teachable moment... but even more, it reflects the teaching your daughter has already received. Congratulations to you and your family for the wonderful instruction and example your daughter has received!
Thanks for posting this story, Erik. You're a lucky man to have such wonderful kids. And they're lucky you see and appreciate them. :)

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