My cat put me in an armbar!!!!


Crazy like a...
MT Mentor
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni, my fighting skills are not sooooo bad that I can be beaten by a small furry animal...hope not anyway ;)

I just returned home after spending a few days "hotelecommuting". My cat has a ritual that he does when I return home from traveling; he meows at me in a gravelly voice as if to scold me, then he insists that I follow him to his food and water bowls and meows at me to replenish his supply with fresher stock.

After tending to His Majesty, I laid down my bed...hoping to get a few minutes of rest. Kitty...all 13 pounds of him, jumps up on the bed and lays his body across my left arm, then starts...purring or snoring, I can't tell which. Needless to say, I'm completely trapped. :D

So...for those of you that have your pets do anything differently when you return home from a few days away?
Sounds just like my cat! He runs the show. Even though I had absolutely NO intention whatsoever to aquire a cat, he moved in and took over. Now I have one demanding and somewhat spoiled brown tabby cat on my hands. He's screaming right now for something. :whip:
If I've been gone a few days, my dog gets very excited and starts romping around - almost bouncing - and then jumps on me, putting his paws on my collar bone. When 80 pounds of excited dogs comes to greet you that way, it's pretty obvious! Then he expects me to sit down and give him the attention he missed with the dog sitter (which is a crock - my dog sitter is a wonderful person who walks the dog more than I do).
My dog stares at me sullenly until she feels I've suffered enough then proceeds to demand my pettings for 10-15 minutes.
My cats usually run to the front door to greet me when I come home. I was recently away for nine days last month, and asked one of my aunts to watch the cats. You would think they would be running to the door when I returned, right? Wrong. When I returned home from my trip, they weren't there to greet me. I had to call both of their names before they finally came downstairs. I *think* they momentarily forgot who I was. But within a few minutes, they were back to their old selves, and followed me all over the house.

They also like sleeping on me or curled up against my body during the cooler months. Not so when it's warmer.
I have a 12 lb toy poodle. This dog is all personality when I get home from work or tae kwon do. This dog hops around like he's a rabbit. It is crazy, he runs around like a chicken with his head cut off. I always play tug of war with him for about 15 minutes.

If I don't pet him to his satisfaction then he burrows under my arm and demands more of this petting business.

It is a riot.
I have a 10 lb. papillon- a real pretty and intelligent dog... She doesn't do too much when I get home, but I'll address what she does when I get ready to leave for a trip first. As soon as I dig out the suitcase to get started in packing, she sticks to me like glue! She literally follows my every move, she won't leave the room for anything. She's been known to jump into the suitcase that I placed on the bed so I can pack it, and as I carry out the suitcase to my car she'll either jump into the open car door or the trunk (she can jump like a cat)! When I get home, she runs around the house for about 10 minutes, like she's gone crazy, and again- she won't leave your side for anything! When she needs to go do her "thing", I have to let her out twice- she has to make sure I don't go anywhere I guess. There's no moving her from your side once you sit down either.
I had a dog that acted the same if I were gone for 10 minutes or 5 days. Sooooo happy that she just squirmed around on the floor and about beat you to death with her tail when she finally got up. Sounds cute, until you know she was a 75 pound Husky mix and it happened EVERY time I came back into the house or yard. I think she thought I would never return and was just overjoyed to see me again. Then follow me around and not let me out of her sight for hours.

When I left to travel though, she would sit by the door and not eat, play,or move (except to go out and do her thing) for the first 3 days. Didn't matter if there were somebody coming over every day, or even after I was married and my wife was home with her.
My Scottie jumps on me with his tail going 100mph. I have pet him for a minute or two then he bolts off and gets his squeaky toy for me to throw for him. He can't get enough of that. If I am too busy and say "no squeaky" he just drops on the floor where he is standing and gives me the sad eyes.

If I sit, he will try to sneak the squeaky over into my hand. :)

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