My apology to MT members

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Gary Crawford

Today,I broke my personal policy of not posting on political threads.I am not apologising for my opinions,just for expressing them here.That makes me a hypocrite.I have previously expressed to Mr.Hubbard how I feel that political discusion does not belong here.I apologise to anyone who is offended by my veiws.I do wish others would refrain from doing so also.There are lots of political forums on the web that are there for just that.I personaly like to post my political discusions at As the election dr... me MA wise because of my political leanings.
Gary Crawford said:
Today,I broke my personal policy of not posting on political threads.I am not apologising for my opinions,just for expressing them here.That makes me a hypocrite.I have previously expressed to Mr.Hubbard how I feel that political discusion does not belong here.I apologise to anyone who is offended by my veiws.I do wish others would refrain from doing so also.There are lots of political forums on the web that are there for just that.I personaly like to post my political discusions at As the election dr...hould stay away from this part of the boards.
Gary, I do not accept your apology and I mean that in the nicest sense that I can offer it. Being an American and participating in a democracy means discussing ideas. I am not going to judge you as a person based on your beliefs... especially when I disagree with them. You have every right to express what you believe and I have an obligation to listen. The objective here is to learn from each other.

Peace my brother

Mr. Crawford:

You are very honorable in abiding by your own personal code of conduct and restricting your comments.

Whether we agree or disagree on politics is not going to change my opinion of you MA-wise. I love that we live in America and can debate openly wherever and whenever we desire. Even if the debate gets passionate and heated, no need for apologies, sir.

I understand your inentions are just - and that's why I bothered posting here because I DO believe that intentions make the difference between a good deed and a nice act. You have a good heart - and that matters to me.

To quote another poster on this board, GOD BLESS AMERICA.


Georgia Ketchmark

If you posted your political opinion on the Kenpo forum, your apology 'might' be appropriate. The General Talk is precisely for this subject matter and (IMHO) even more interesting since we all share the love of the martial arts.

Give em hell! - Regards, Glenn.
Hi Gary,

I had the same reservations for a while but since the Politics are accepted in the Study I decided to chime in on some issues. As long as we put things across respectfully, and I think you do, I don't see any harm in it.

Getting feedback on your views from other martial artists is kinda good in a way. They are generally thoughtful, well-centered (not always politically) people. I've learned a lot from the likes of people I disagree with nearly 100% like Robert, Michael, UpNorth, Hardhead, Phoenix et. al. I figure there has to be a method to their madness and it makes me work and re-evaluate my positions a lot.

I haven't checked out but I'm sure there are some wars on their as well and probably with less respect between the posters.
MisterMike said:
I haven't checked out but I'm sure there are some wars on their as well and probably with less respect between the posters.

Too true Mike! The difference between talking politics at other places and here is that we get beyond the personal attacks and name calling (usually) and actually talk about the issues. For me, talking with other martial artists makes me post as if I'm wearing my Belt...and now the attitude is spilling over into other aspects of my life.
Everyone has expressed almost exactly what I feel as well. You are entitled to your opinion - as we all are. That you express it publicly takes a degree of thought and self-discipline, which is what we all strive for as martial artists. Do not think for a moment that you will be disliked for your political views. We are all members of the same family here. KT

I looked back on your posts, I found them insightful, well thought out and respectful. I am not American but being Canadian, your next leader effects me as well. If having people like yourself can bring me to understand the issues that the US is dealing with and how they will effect my life up here, then I welcome every side to the story.

I am so delighted that you did start posting - even though the discussions can become very heated, I'm really glad that you are inthe mix. You are always polite and state your points clearly, I think - even when I disagree! Please keep posting.

Hey Gary,

I'm sorry if you feel as though you've offended people here... I know I appreciate you joining us here on The Study to discuss politics, throw the occasional flame, and all that :)

I hope you'll stay and hang out with us here, but I understand if you feel that doing so makes you a hypocrite. Either way, I salute you.
