music in your training

  • Thread starter Thread starter progressivetactics
  • Start date Start date a question for all ya'all...

I know I like working out and training when music is playing. What about everyone else? What type is your favorite? Me, I prefer techno, or remixes that are toned-down, but still have a good beat.
I do listen to music sometimes, but my musical tastes are pretty weird anyway, so I don't know if I'd be the best one to ask on this one. I do have music in my head, sometimes, which I use to pace myself while working out. Usually something mellow and dark like APC or Tool.

Originally posted by progressivetactics
Do you play music at your dojo (dojang) while teaching/training? What types?

Once in a while when days seems to make everyone lethargic. I have one of those custom made CD's that contains theme from Lara Croft, Blade and other High intensity music. In between I add a short new age ( Piano instrumental) as a break or as I say the second calm before the mother of all storm.

This is a great way to make training exiting..Don't tell your students when you're going to do it, just surprise them...

The kids loves this as I have several Kid theme music added once in a while..

By the way try avoiding love songs :p and its never a great idea to play Barbara Striesand for your Kickboxing group :D

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