Mumbai Terrorist Attacks!

Brian R. VanCise

MT Moderator
Staff member
Sep 9, 2004
Reaction score
Las Vegas, Nevada
Very sad!
How many 9/11's... and Bali's... and Mumbai's do we have to see before the world gets some semblance of a spine back and wipes them out?

I see the brave warriors of Allah are slaughtering civilians... again .... as usual. One can almost hear the yawns.

Wherever did these superb men find the courage to take on unarmed tourists? Perhaps they've found it easier than taking on American Marines or Israeli commandos...

I am sure the holy killers of Mecca will get a pass in the world media/opinion dens. Let an American soldier hit a civilian they are hiding behind and the screeches and howls are as deafening as they are prolonged.

But beyond some brief clucking, nobody will condemn these cannibals. If any regrets are heard in the long run, it will be squeals and hand wringing over whether any surviving hyenas are having all their wishes and comforts seen to in jail. Oh boo-hoo-hoo for the terrorists! There's always sympathy for the devil. That's why they're winning.
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Wherever did these superb men find the courage to take on unarmed tourists? Perhaps they've found it easier than taking on American Marines or Israeli commandos...

Ding ding ding!! You are correct sir!

Plus, there's more media attention to be gained.
As ever, I am as outraged as the next man that an organisation sets out to murder people not even remotely responsible for whatever grievances they feel they have.

As ever, I am confused beyond reason as to what they think they will gain from such tactics? The governments they set themselves up against do not care in the slightest how many innocents get slaughtered - foreign policy is a rhino-hided juggernaut unswayed by anything but the most pragmatic of impulses.
“That's why they're winning.”

I agree with most of your post, but I disagree with this part. It is a war that has been going on for years and will go on for many more years. It is a spiritual war in my opinion good vs evil. As such it takes place on many levels and there will be losses and wins. If we let their barbarism weaken us then this attack will be a victory in the ongoing war, if we and our allies gain strength from this attack then it will be another defeat for those that use these tactics.

We will of course be assailed with the nut jobs claiming that this is another inside job, we will hear that this is Bush's fault and that the all the world hates us Americans, our brothers the British and the Israelis and any that support us. If we let the enemies of freedom cloud the issues, if we let those in denial of the hate and violence focused on our families and innocents in the name of Islamic Nazism dominate the conversation, if we let these attacks weaken our faith or beliefs and our will and desire to continue the fight, then yes they will be winning. I think it is too soon in the conflict to say that they are winning. It is a tough fight and one we may easily lose even in our lifetimes, but we could also win and that should not be ignored. Fear, indifference both must be battled wisely and on the individual level as well on the international level.

“As ever, I am confused beyond reason as to what they think they will gain from such tactics?”

India and Pakistan (both nuclear armed countries) have had three wars since the late 1940’s. India is the worlds largest Democracy and is one of our allies and they have been having a terrible time with attacks back and forth amongst the countries various religious and political factions that have resulted in thousands of casualties. It is too early to tell exactly who is carrying out the attacks (it has been over twenty four hours and battles and fires still continue) but it is pretty easy to guess that it wasn’t the Swedes. Islamic Terrorists would love to see the government of Pakistan fall and for their guys to gain total control of that region including the nuclear weapons. They have murdered politicians and judges and teachers trying to gain control of the region and while making some progress have also suffered failures (our striking with missiles in the tribal areas has been having great effect on the terrorists). If they could get India and Pakistan to once again shoot at each other it will divide our efforts against them. It is always good to get your enemies to fight each other rather than you, a strategy I have successfully used while bouncing. They do not care who would win that conflict as no matter the outcome they gain and gain a lot possibly even control of nuclear forces. For the individual murderers they gain martyrdom as they believe and are taught that killing us in the name of their God grants them free pass to paradise (this is different than Christian martyrdom which as I understand it is not granted for killing in the name of God but instead being killed because OF the belief in a Christian God.) and they get the opportunity to satisfy their lust for blood.

These attacks remind me very much of the Beslan massacres (if you do not know what I am referring to it was an attack on a school in which hostages were taken, the children were brutally repeatedly raped and mutated in front of the others, if you have a weak stomach you but want to research it be warned it was not clean) hostages were taken not for negotiation purposes but for political and personal reasons. By showing how weak and vulnerable our loved ones are they hope to take the fight out of us and in my own opinion they are sick and enjoy killing brutally and it is easier to kill those that are weak, easier to be able to take the time needed to for their full enjoyment while attacking those that are as strong as or stronger than they means that you have to kill quickly and may fail.

This attack was well planned and carried out. The number one and two officers (RIP) in charge of the anti-terror units were killed “while leading attacks” against the terrorists (sounds to me they were ambushed)

It is attacks such as these that have changed the focus of my training and teaching. It was just a short while ago that Vice-President elect Biden warned his supporters that we would be tested. I do not think that this is the test that he was speaking about, but I do believe that we in the United States will be facing these kinds of attacks in the future. Our hotels, our transportation systems, our sporting events and our commerce areas are vulnerable and it is my belief that the first responder on the scene will not be a professional, not an on duty soldier or law enforcement officer. The first responder will be us the civilian going about our business and lives. My self defense training has adjusted. Now including the mugger, gang banger, drunken Uncle Charlie, pissed off driver, bar fighter, and other local dangers I also include active shooter and terrorist defenses.

They (they news channels) are now showing some of the action on CC video and stills from the opening attacks yesterday and have also some of the small inflatable boats that the killers used to swarm the port and some of their supplies as well. It seems that the authorities may have also taken some prisoners. It is interesting stuff and lots of lessons to be learned. I hope that we learn them. I know that I am trying to learn them.

Brian King
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I agree with most of your post, but I disagree with this part. It is a war that has been going on for years and will go on for many more years. It is a spiritual war in my opinion good vs evil. As such it takes place on many levels and there will be losses and wins. If we let their barbarism weaken us then this attack will be a victory in the ongoing war, if we and our allies gain strength from this attack then it will be another defeat for those that use these tactics.

We will of course be assailed with the nut jobs claiming that this is another inside job, we will hear that this is Bush's fault and that the all the world hates us Americans, our brothers the British and the Israelis and any that support us. If we let the enemies of freedom cloud the issues, if we let those in denial of the hate and violence focused on our families and innocents in the name of Islamic Nazism dominate the conversation, if we let these attacks weaken our faith or beliefs and our will and desire to continue the fight, then yes they will be winning. I think it is too soon in the conflict to say that they are winning. It is a tough fight and one we may easily lose even in our lifetimes, but we could also win and that should not be ignored. Fear, indifference both must be battled wisely and on the individual level as well on the international level.

India and Pakistan (both nuclear armed countries) have had three wars since the late 1940’s. India is the worlds largest Democracy and is one of our allies and they have been having a terrible time with attacks back and forth amongst the countries various religious and political factions that have resulted in thousands of casualties. It is too early to tell exactly who is carrying out the attacks (it has been over twenty four hours and battles and fires still continue) but it is pretty easy to guess that it wasn’t the Swedes. Islamic Terrorists would love to see the government of Pakistan fall and for their guys to gain total control of that region including the nuclear weapons. They have murdered politicians and judges and teachers trying to gain control of the region and while making some progress have also suffered failures (our striking with missiles in the tribal areas has been having great effect on the terrorists). If they could get India and Pakistan to once again shoot at each other it will divide our efforts against them. It is always good to get your enemies to fight each other rather than you, a strategy I have successfully used while bouncing. They do not care who would win that conflict as no matter the outcome they gain and gain a lot possibly even control of nuclear forces. For the individual murderers they gain martyrdom as they believe and are taught that killing us in the name of their God grants them free pass to paradise (this is different than Christian martyrdom which as I understand it is not granted for killing in the name of God but instead being killed because OF the belief in a Christian God.) and they get the opportunity to satisfy their lust for blood.

These attacks remind me very much of the Beslan massacres (if you do not know what I am referring to it was an attack on a school in which hostages were taken, the children were brutally repeatedly raped and mutated in front of the others, if you have a weak stomach you but want to research it be warned it was not clean) hostages were taken not for negotiation purposes but for political and personal reasons. By showing how weak and vulnerable our loved ones are they hope to take the fight out of us and in my own opinion they are sick and enjoy killing brutally and it is easier to kill those that are weak, easier to be able to take the time needed to for their full enjoyment while attacking those that are as strong as or stronger than they means that you have to kill quickly and may fail.

This attack was well planned and carried out. The number one and two officers (RIP) in charge of the anti-terror units were killed “while leading attacks” against the terrorists (sounds to me they were ambushed)

It is attacks such as these that have changed the focus of my training and teaching. It was just a short while ago that Vice-President elect Biden warned his supporters that we would be tested. I do not think that this is the test that he was speaking about, but I do believe that we in the United States will be facing these kinds of attacks in the future. Our hotels, our transportation systems, our sporting events and our commerce areas are vulnerable and it is my belief that the first responder on the scene will not be a professional, not an on duty soldier or law enforcement officer. The first responder will be us the civilian going about our business and lives. My self defense training has adjusted. Now including the mugger, gang banger, drunken Uncle Charlie, pissed off driver, bar fighter, and other local dangers I also include active shooter and terrorist defenses.

They (they news channels) are now showing some of the action on CC video and stills from the opening attacks yesterday and have also some of the small inflatable boats that the killers used to swarm the port and some of their supplies as well. It seems that the authorities may have also taken some prisoners. It is interesting stuff and lots of lessons to be learned. I hope that we learn them. I know that I am trying to learn them.

Brian King


Absolutely our training needs to adjust and we need to be prepared.
It is attacks such as these that have changed the focus of my training and teaching...

...I do believe that we in the United States will be facing these kinds of attacks in the future. Our hotels, our transportation systems, our sporting events and our commerce areas are vulnerable and it is my belief that the first responder on the scene will not be a professional, not an on duty soldier or law enforcement officer. The first responder will be us the civilian going about our business and lives. My self defense training has adjusted. Now including the mugger, gang banger, drunken Uncle Charlie, pissed off driver, bar fighter, and other local dangers I also include active shooter and terrorist defenses.

I agree...I believe that sooner or later, this type of thing WILL happen here. These bastards have been training for operations like this for a long time. Beslan and now this attack in India are just the beginning I'm afraid.
And people wonder why I carry a gun everywhere I go...

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