There is another article I read on the BBC just last week that addresses a couple of EH's questions ... but I'm darned if I can find it so I shall have to pull some stats out of my ... erm ... rear
. What this piece I am referring too noted was that Britain in particular has a very, very high percentage of it's indigs who rate uncontrolled immigration and cultural seperatism as the number one problem the country faces - it was something astronomical like 75% of people from all segments and sectors of the population. We are more concerned about that than we are about the blatant con-trick the banks have pulled on us.
Now I know that EH means well and is speaking from his heart but there comes a time when, in terms of societal health, being overly accomodating just gets your culture killed. That is why we 'fear' the immigrant tide - not the individual members of it but the flow itself - the problem is exacerbated because those who do have their roots here (but have the means and the wherewithal to do so) are leaving in droves i.e. the British are becoming an immigrant tide for someone else.
Now, just to be clear, I am not tied to a mast with a sign on it that proclaims I am 'For Freedom' above all else. I am not. I a monarchist for one thing (until such time as the Royal family goes bad again at any rate). Freedom has to have limits for it to have meaning. As British subjects we accept that the rule of law has given us the stable society we have. Because people have a tendency to do what they want without responsibility, we accept that bounds and limits need to be applied to make sure we retain that highly valued stability (it can be taken as read that I understand the inherent dangers of creeping totalitarianism such a policy can give rise to).
The feeling that is growing is that the 'rules' only apply to 'us' and that the more recent immigrants are merely sponging off our taxes whilst thumbing their noses at our country. Note that the 'us' here does not mean just the White Indigenous Population - there are shops owned and run by Pakistani's in Stoke that have signs in their windows prohibiting cutomers in 'traditional dress' and insisting that English is spoken. The Political Correctness Nazi's see to it that proper voice is not given to feelings and fears, without the social suicide of being labelled a racist and that simply ups the pressure in the pot. The BNP have been having a field day with these conditions, especially in Stoke where the immigrant percentage is acutely high. It won't take many more 'Honour Killings' and other flagrant disregards for British mores and codes for the more violent (and truly racist) people to seize on that as an excuse.
Now I believe that we are dealing more with a perception than a reality in these matters but that is almost irrelevant - for sociological phenomenon are nearly always where perception becomes reality.
As to why this is a concern to me as an individual, well, I happen to be rather a fan-boy of the ideals that Englishness came to stand for during the past couple of centuries (leaving aside the wars, concentration camps, exploitation of the less powerful etc that now embarass us so
). That safe, stable society that I grew up in is no longer there or at least it is in danger of not being. The well-to-do la-de-da's in their ivory towers might not see the problem because they make darned sure none of those 'immigrant types' get any where near them (other than as domestics perhaps) but the ordinary working class people feel marginalised in their own towns and that is a dangerous state of affairs for all.
Slow the process down, give the different elements time to adjust and we'll pull through - at least we always have before.
There is another article I read on the BBC just last week that addresses a couple of EH's questions ... but I'm darned if I can find it so I shall have to pull some stats out of my ... erm ... rear

Now I know that EH means well and is speaking from his heart but there comes a time when, in terms of societal health, being overly accomodating just gets your culture killed. That is why we 'fear' the immigrant tide - not the individual members of it but the flow itself - the problem is exacerbated because those who do have their roots here (but have the means and the wherewithal to do so) are leaving in droves i.e. the British are becoming an immigrant tide for someone else.
Now, just to be clear, I am not tied to a mast with a sign on it that proclaims I am 'For Freedom' above all else. I am not. I a monarchist for one thing (until such time as the Royal family goes bad again at any rate). Freedom has to have limits for it to have meaning. As British subjects we accept that the rule of law has given us the stable society we have. Because people have a tendency to do what they want without responsibility, we accept that bounds and limits need to be applied to make sure we retain that highly valued stability (it can be taken as read that I understand the inherent dangers of creeping totalitarianism such a policy can give rise to).
The feeling that is growing is that the 'rules' only apply to 'us' and that the more recent immigrants are merely sponging off our taxes whilst thumbing their noses at our country. Note that the 'us' here does not mean just the White Indigenous Population - there are shops owned and run by Pakistani's in Stoke that have signs in their windows prohibiting cutomers in 'traditional dress' and insisting that English is spoken. The Political Correctness Nazi's see to it that proper voice is not given to feelings and fears, without the social suicide of being labelled a racist and that simply ups the pressure in the pot. The BNP have been having a field day with these conditions, especially in Stoke where the immigrant percentage is acutely high. It won't take many more 'Honour Killings' and other flagrant disregards for British mores and codes for the more violent (and truly racist) people to seize on that as an excuse.
Now I believe that we are dealing more with a perception than a reality in these matters but that is almost irrelevant - for sociological phenomenon are nearly always where perception becomes reality.
As to why this is a concern to me as an individual, well, I happen to be rather a fan-boy of the ideals that Englishness came to stand for during the past couple of centuries (leaving aside the wars, concentration camps, exploitation of the less powerful etc that now embarass us so

Slow the process down, give the different elements time to adjust and we'll pull through - at least we always have before.
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