Blue Belt
Hey everyone,
A Muay Thai rules question for you. I recently started Muay Thai as a way to get back into pad work and sparring after a few years off for various reasons, given a lack of clubs nearby that offered a strong focus on Sanda/sparring with kung fu.
Obviously some of the techniques and rules are different from what I am used to, but I'd like to use some of my favourite techniques where I can. One of which is checking kicks by intercepting them right as they start with a teep to the thigh, shin or knee (once it's been lifted), rather than just lifting and turning out my leg, that's really more of a block than a check to my mind.
On browsing the internet looking at rules there seems to be a lot of disagreement over whether this is allowed or not. Some say you can kick anywhere on the leg, others say no kicks on the knee, and others no kicks at all on the front of the leg. Some of it may be down to particular rules of certain governing bodies.
Does anyone know the standard approach? What about here in Australia?
A Muay Thai rules question for you. I recently started Muay Thai as a way to get back into pad work and sparring after a few years off for various reasons, given a lack of clubs nearby that offered a strong focus on Sanda/sparring with kung fu.
Obviously some of the techniques and rules are different from what I am used to, but I'd like to use some of my favourite techniques where I can. One of which is checking kicks by intercepting them right as they start with a teep to the thigh, shin or knee (once it's been lifted), rather than just lifting and turning out my leg, that's really more of a block than a check to my mind.
On browsing the internet looking at rules there seems to be a lot of disagreement over whether this is allowed or not. Some say you can kick anywhere on the leg, others say no kicks on the knee, and others no kicks at all on the front of the leg. Some of it may be down to particular rules of certain governing bodies.
Does anyone know the standard approach? What about here in Australia?