Muay Thai = Kickboxing???

Hi bro
Muay Thay is not the same as kick boxing is, just simply
in thay u can hit with head, elbow , etc, in kick boxing u do a box with kicks
its a little more deep , but u can understand it thus
Cuban Kenpo has it right . Muay Thai and Kickboxing are about as different as night and day. Muay Thai is a hand to hand Martial Art that evolved fromthe unarmed aspects of the Thailand from fight art known as Krabi Krabong.Kickboxing evolved from mixing in the kicks are various Martial Arts (primarly Karate, Taekwondo , Kung Fu with some Muay Thai) and Western Style boxing.
Muay Thai: kicks, punches, elbows, knees, clinch - can target opponents legs and primarily attack with the shin

Kickboxing: kicks and punches - do not target opponents lags and primarily attack with the heel of the foot
No need to add anything, I think Slihn and Savior have it covered.
...and not to mention in thai boxing you get to wear cooler shorts.

Im not a fan of those kickboxing shiny trousers. ( :
Most Kickboxing matches are above the waist only. They have, however, become more liberal with this and are starting to allow leg kicks. Kickboxing rules state you must throw a minimum of 5 kicks per round. Unfortunately this facilitates a mostly boxing type of fight. Muay Thai tends to use every weapon equally. The reason I love MT-"I know you wont break the rules.......Their aren't any."