muay thai good for street fights?


Yellow Belt
Aug 3, 2013
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I know the attacks are very good for the street but the problem is the stance. The way they stand is less defensive, thier hands near the head and thier groin exposed so it can easily be hit. So if it is defence less it cant be used in the streets
Groin kicks really arent that useful, and you shouldnt get too caught up in defense. Muay Thai is swell for a brawl.
Groin kicks really arent that useful, and you shouldnt get too caught up in defense. Muay Thai is swell for a brawl.
No I was saying that I could easily get hit in the groin with that stance :p oh I thought it was both defensive and offensive thanks for information :)
Muay Thai would be very useful for a one-on-one empty-hand fight. Being used to taking a punch is a big part of it, after all.
Muay Thai would be very useful for a one-on-one empty-hand fight. Being used to taking a punch is a big part of it, after all.
Its great that it can take punches but I think it isn't much good against a knife or a stick :p so it wont be good for the streets :) but I'll still take it cause its gonna make me tough :D
I think the best fighting is no style fighting... Use what you need when you're in the brawl.. be it low Muay thai low shin kicks, Elbows, to jujitsu grappling.. You never know what to expect in a street fight... Best advice is to tame and train the mind simultaneously the body.. There is no point in training the body if when you have to walk the walk your mind freezes in fear.. When an unfortunate situation arises you know what best technique to use to take control of it with ease and focus..
Good luck!
Forget everything you learn in the gym street fights have no rules so play dirty, if you get into stance and everything you do have more chance of getting hurt, just defend by not giving the opponent a chance to attack :)
Muay Thai, unlike any other Fighting Sport, uses all of Knees, Kicks, Elbows and Punches together. Telling somebody to forget how to do all of that is stupid, especially in a situation like this. You train for people to run at you, trying to hit you with all sorts of attacks and then to hit back hard. Why would you want to forget that?

What do you mean by 'play dirty'? If you mean a sucker punch, then that's just not cool by anyone's standards. Otherwise, Muay Thai will help tremendously.
I know the attacks are very good for the street but the problem is the stance. The way they stand is less defensive, thier hands near the head and thier groin exposed so it can easily be hit. So if it is defence less it cant be used in the streets

They have a whole defence system designed to counter an inside leg kick. Which works against a groin kick. Especially that inside check. The knee covers the groin. Then they counter by kicking your face off.
Muay Thai, unlike any other Fighting Sport, uses all of Knees, Kicks, Elbows and Punches together. Telling somebody to forget how to do all of that is stupid, especially in a situation like this. You train for people to run at you, trying to hit you with all sorts of attacks and then to hit back hard. Why would you want to forget that?

What do you mean by 'play dirty'? If you mean a sucker punch, then that's just not cool by anyone's standards. Otherwise, Muay Thai will help tremendously.

The first part is wrong, when you say "unlike any other Fighting Sport." There numerous combative sports that utilize varying combinations of elbows, knees... Lethwei or Burmese Boxing even adds in headbutts. MMA uses elbows, knees, kicks, punches, locks, holds, throws...

Otherwise... you misunderstood the advice. I don't completely agree -- but there are major differences between real violence and sport violence. Real violence occurs "closer, faster, harder, and with more surprise" than you believe.
I haven't had to use Muay Thai for self defence yet, thankfully. I do imagine it would be a big advantage in a good old fashioned one to one steet fight. The clinch alone would completely discourage a guy who wasn't familiar with it within 20 seconds.

I think round house kicks could be tricky. I wear jeans all the time so I wouldn't be able to get that stretch in. I can see myself teeping though.
i wear shorts most of the time so that movement isn't restricted :)

muay thai is trained at a fast pace - you get in, get stuck in and then get out when the jobs done. the difference between muay thai and mma is that often mma take the opponent to ground no good really in a street fight where the other guys friends are hanging about.

when you train muay thai everything has to be trained at speed and moving from kicks to punches to knees to elbows or any other combination has to be trained to the point of not realising what you're actually doing - yoU just do it automatically.
its overkill, most street fighters cant even throw a punch properly, have no abs and dont protect their chin,
that is why the uppercut to the sternum is sooooo effective ;)

i learnt that a long time ago it won't just wind your opponent it can and has been proven to be a heart stopper too -- luuurrrrvvvvvely ;)

muay thai training techniques will stop most people pretty easily even those that have supped one too many :)
its overkill, most street fighters cant even throw a punch properly, have no abs and dont protect their chin,

it might be seen to be overkill but hell i'll take my MT training and put it to best use any day against someone hell bent on having a crack at me or my friends and if it's seen to be overkill then - then i'd rather be judged by 12 than buried by 6 any day :)
No I was saying that I could easily get hit in the groin with that stance :p oh I thought it was both defensive and offensive thanks for information :)

I'm not a muay thai fighter but I'm sure there is a carefully thoughts out plan for that

In my opinion something should be tried or atleast attempted to use it. Or another way of putting it, if you haven't tried it don't judge it. It's a legitimate style and can be used in self defense (are you talking about self defense, I don't understand this defend yourself on the "street" reference)
Still not sure how this groin kick is any more open to be honest. Are people saying there is some anti groin kick stance? Cos I reckon I could still slip one in there regardless of how a person is standing.
Muay Thai is considered one of the best if not the very best martial art in stand fighting. You develop strength, stamina, power blows, reflexes and get used to trade blows even by sparring alone. You use the 9 weapons if you include headbutts (both knees, shins, fists and elbows). In street fighting you ought to stay on your feet, though i consider good to train defenses against someone trying to throw you down. As for the groin protection, you don't offer your body straight against your opponent, so you might try to block eventual groin kicks by using you lead leg knee, as if to defend a inner low kick. The hands are well placed near the head, as the elbows can lower to defend lower ares of your body. In fact i consider important to have your hands up both for attack and defense. Blows can come in quickly and you won't have the time to defend yourself if otherwise. In my opinion very important is to be well trained in judging the right distance to use the appropriate strikes or counter strikes. Train combos where all your body weapons must engage within a fighting logic a million times and your street opponent won't even know what happened to him until we wakes up in the hospital...

Muay Thai, unlike any other Fighting Sport, uses all of Knees, Kicks, Elbows and Punches together. Telling somebody to forget how to do all of that is stupid, especially in a situation like this. You train for people to run at you, trying to hit you with all sorts of attacks and then to hit back hard. Why would you want to forget that?

What do you mean by 'play dirty'? If you mean a sucker punch, then that's just not cool by anyone's standards. Otherwise, Muay Thai will help tremendously.
Plenty of martial arts use all that you know
show me a fighting stance where you can't easily get hit in the groin when standing still and don't know how to block low kicks, which btw, muay thai fighters know.