Muai Thai techniques

Well I heard that Muai Thai in Europe in terms of popularity is like Tae Kwon Do in the USA. But anyway, Im trying to use Muai Thai as an example where to be a more effective fighter its better to focus on just a few techniques than many. Maui Thai is known for its effectiveness and the Muai Thai that I've trained in doesn't give you a big list of different techniques to be used within the art, rather you just focus on a few. According to Danny T Muai Thai in Thailand exposes a practitioner to many more techniques than Muai Thai in the USA. Now not just with Muai Thai but with all martial arts in general, I don't think its a bad idea to be exposed to many different techniques just so you will be familiar with them, but I do think its a good idea to only focus on a few and to hone those to perfection.

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