Mr. Trejo and teaching at the IKKA HQ

Originally posted by Kenpo Yahoo
I have to admit that I'm curious what some guy, who throws out open challenges on an internet forum, is capable of doing.

Where did I throw out a challenge?
Originally posted by Kenpo Yahoo
Hey man, you gonna make to Illinois, Salt Lake, or Vegas this Year?

Vegas and SL I'm too poor for right now ( moving to SLC in three years, can't wait ). HOWEVER, I'll definately be in Illinois ( going up for my second....nervous as Hell....but pumped for a kick-rear day of seminars from The Man!!! )! I'll be the big guy with the ( nearly ) shaved head in Rick Brumby's group. Cya there!! :cool:
Originally posted by Kenpo Yahoo
Well, once again words on a computer screen are misconstrued

And you honestely can't see how that could happen with this comment?

Originally posted by Kenpo Yahoo
How's this for a thought Kirk, when you played pick up
games of basketball, football, etc. you and the other captain
always wanted the best players first, so if you're still being left
out in the cold.. what does that tell you?

Yet somehow you were able to pull a challenge out of my words
to you somewhere??? :confused:
Originally posted by XtremeJ_AKKI
Easily sounds like one there, Kirk. So, what night would be best for guys like us to show up on? :D

Well I was accused of misconstruing a post, and now I throw it right back ..the point I was trying to make, was if ... IF IF IF IF IF
he was insinuating that my school was "last to be picked" because they were choosing "the best players first" and that my school was terrible, then it's fine with me that you and he believe that, and it's not a school you'd want to visit.
XtremeJ_AKKI, I am sure Mr. Mills would not appreciate the threatening way you are coming across to a purple belt. I sure don't. I know you were not insulting his school, Mr. Abernathy or Huk ... but one of you guys needs to play nice.

KIRK, see where your "If's" get you?

Come on, respect all around guys! Not threats, vieled or otherwise!

Originally posted by Michael Billings
XtremeJ_AKKI, I am sure Mr. Mills would not appreciate the threatening way you are coming across to a purple belt.

Threats? :rofl:

Mr. Billings, I don't need to make threats towards anyone, he simply implied that his school isn't the type of place that KenpoYahoo would want to show up at, and that statement alone piqued my curiousity.

As for threats....if I had to resort to making any, they definately wouldn't be veiled. I grew up in the inner city around gangbangers and pushers, threats weren't something we put much stock in.

( kinda sucks knowing that my words are now being misconstrued as ' threats ', but I suppose it happens, this being the internet and all, devoid of communication characteristics such as tone of voice, facial expression, etc.... )
On a side note, though I am a proud member of the AKKI, my opinions reflect my own viewpoints, and not those of Mr. Mills or the AKKI. Just that I'd remind everyone of that, since we seem to think I'm threatening people and all.

Besides, Kirk may be a purple belt, but he stands and and puts his cojones out there on the chopping board with the rest of us, so I think he's up for any verbal exchange. ;)

IN all seriousness, no one's threatened anyone, no one's challenged anyone, and to my knowledge, this string was still pretty light-hearted in it's discussions and exchanges. :asian:
I understand, Kirk puts 'em out there ... and they get squished, stomped, chopped, puree'ed, and smashed on a regular basis. But you gotta give him, he says what is on his mind. It just does not always come out the way he intends.

His school is great as is his instructor and lineage. It got personal when he said his school was not the kind of place KY would want to show up. I see how that could come across bad, but it went from bad to worse by saying yall would "show up."

The first comment I saw that may have set Kirk off was the
How's this for a thought Kirk, when you played pick up games of basketball, football, etc. you and the other captain always wanted the best players first, so if you're still being left out in the cold.. what does that tell you?
In the true spirit of his school, yall would be welcome and have a great Kenpo workout. No challenge, no intimidation.

Kirk can stand up for himself, as can you, but I did not want anyone thinking Kirk's school would be the kind that issued or accepted challenges. That is just so far from reality as to be ridiculous. His instructor is a great guy who comes to Kenpo after a good career as a TKD black belt, with lots of fighting experience.

He is entirely too good natured to produce students like Kirk ... just kidding Kirk. Your attitude was great this weekend with Sigung LaBounty as was everyone in your school.

Sorry for the interference, but in re-reading the thread, it still seemed threatening or intimidating to me. I will back out now and let the "good natured" posturing and kidding get back to what it was.


You're a good man. You definately have the courage to stand up for yourself. Especially when it may be unpopular to voice your opinion. Sometimes you can jump the gun, which is not unusual for a purple belt in American Kenpo. My advice is not to get your undies in a bunch every time someone disagrees with you about something.

Your friend,


Your post did seem a little rash, and Kenpo Yahoo did come accross with a slight condescending tone when giving his analogy for the first choice picks for the IKKA. I'm glad to see that it isn't anything that's gone over board. Kirk is a good guy. I talk to him on the phone frequently. You've just gotta understand that he's gung-ho about kenpo right now, just like many are when they are new to the art.


Kenpo Yahoo,

Ed Parker Jr. is working things intelligently right now. He going out and recruiting the First Generation crowd, at the moment, in hopes of getting their students to join under them. Not a bad move if you look at it from a business stand point. If he sells Mr. Planas on the new IKKA, he saves himself alot of time and money in the process of having to recruit all of the other people under Huk. Because eventually Huk will sell them on the idea at his next seminar or something. In effect it is working like a trickle down or pyramid scheme.

In addition, Edmund is not choosing the best players first. He's trying to corner the market on the seniors in our art before going to the little guy. All in all I think this is the best way to do things. If Edmund were taking students out from under the seniors, all hell would break loose! Catch my drift?

Just a thought,
Billy Lear, UKS

P.S. For every one else... Not everyone is going to join the IKKA, and we don't have to all be IKKA members to get along. Let's look past our differences and be men for a change. :asian:
Originally posted by roryneil
How can this AKKI work if this THREAD doesn't even "get along" ??

That is not a good analogy.

It would work for the same reason that while fights often break out at lunch in Junior High, they don't break out so often at lunch at work outside of Junior High.

It could also work because anyone who joined would want to make it work.

Too many people say and do things on the Internet/forums that they KNOW they would Never say or do in public.

I bet you that some of what has been posted on here and elsewhere on the Internet would never be said to the face of most of the people who get speculated about.

Remember where you are. Martial Talk used to be a refreshing place to gather some news and insights but it seems to me that in the past few months it has become more of a place to "stir the pot."

Also, anyone who is trying to detract from what the IKKA may be attempting, when they are not in full possession of any/all of the facts is very clearly NOT being constructive and seems to be taking an opportunity to kill the bably while it is sleeping.

I think it would be best to either be positive or be quiet. They will make an announcement when they are ready and then the merits can be debated.

I would also think that the camp in July is called a Homecoming for a reason. (Sorry, my Macintosh won't let me get the URL for the flier... it just opens in Acrobat reader in Explorer...)

An announcement may be made there as well. I would think that anyone who is trying to frustrate this effort must not have enough respect for the teachers listed for this event who must be going either because they are 1) Joining, 2) Investigating, and/or 3) Supporting this effort.

I think I'm going to the Homecoming Camp, I may have something else to say when I get back.
Originally posted by cdhall

Also, anyone who is trying to detract from what the IKKA may be attempting, when they are not in full possession of any/all of the facts is very clearly NOT being constructive and seems to be taking an opportunity to kill the bably while it is sleeping.

I don't think anybody is trying to kill the I.K.K.A. here. People are curious about the changes that this may or may not have on their studios. Change can be a scary thing, and people need to be allowed to voice their oppinions and concearns.

Originally posted by cdhall

I think it would be best to either be positive or be quiet. They will make an announcement when they are ready and then the merits can be debated.

Aside from the positive things that can come about from the "rebirth" of the I.K.K.A., there are many negative things that can come about too. I think it is natural to have issues with the silent manner in which things are happening right now, although I can understand that it is necessary from a business perspective.


This is an internet forum. People need to be able to share ideas, regardless of weather or not those ideas are popular. While I agree that personal attacks don't belong here, I think that negative and positive feed back on current issues should be welcomed.

Your brother In Kenpo,
Billy :asian:
This thread is about power and money, ain't it?

You know, when I read through this thread this morning, my first thought was: thank ahura-mazda that I know enough at this point that I can keep training in my back yard, and keep learning the myriad of things I have yet to learn, and teach a few students even, without having to belong to SPECTRE...UNCLE... whatever it is.

Sorry, and all respect to Mr. Trejo, but include me out. Especially after the call for everybody who can't write something positive to remain absolutely silent.
Originally posted by rmcrobertson
Sorry, and all respect to Mr. Trejo, but include me out. Especially after the call for everybody who can't write something positive to remain absolutely silent.

Hey, so why is OK for others to post negative speculation and gossip and I can't say something founded in logic? What are the facts? There are not many, so debating them is almost pointless. The ones I know of are these:
1. Mr. Trejo is in the IKKA
2. There is a Homecoming Camp this summer and a lot of high-profile people are teaching
3. Not much else has been confirmed as a fact

I think all of that is good news. Do they require me to wear Pink Speedos to Banquets if I join? I should wait to hear that before I react to it. If they want my opinion they'll ask. Otherwise why waste energy speculating? Just a thought. I understand the potential value of speculating as much as anyone else, but the IKKA seems to be moving purposefully toward a goal and I personally don't feel like I need to jump in and tell them how to steer their boat.

At least I don't feel the need to tell others, in a public forum, how I would tell the IKKA to steer their boat if I were talking to them. That may be more to my point. I have called them and sent them email directly, but none of that was broadcast to anyone else either before or after it happened. Whoever answers the phone there was quite prepared to answer my questions.

I read part of this thread again a few hours ago and it prompted my post. I can't say that in the land of free speech (2001 legislation not withstanding) that I want to edit people's thoughts. So don't take my comments the wrong way. I think there is a difference between debating a topic and trying to kill an idea. A fine line. That's my 2 cents.

However, I'm also not the IKKA and therefore I can't make "the call for everybody who can't write something positive to remain absolutely silent."

But if you are going that susceptible to my suggestions then send me $1000 and I'll certify your rank and give you permission to continue what you are doing.

I also plan on going to Pasadena in July to check this out for myself and get some great experience. It will be sort of like Mr. Duffy's 1994 camp all over again. I didn't get to take any classes at that one, I was shooting a documentary as several of you know.

Feel free to PM me if you like. I don't want to get into a Flame war. As we all know, there is no Interpersonal Communication over the internet. No inflections, no body language, so it is easy to take stuff out of context.

I still think it is disrespectful to say that you don't like what the IKKA is doing, particularly if you don't know what it is. But on the other hand, I don't deny that you have a right to your opinion.

So carry on. I know this is a convoluted issue but don't misconstrue my preference for everyone to be respectful (as they should be in person to each other) with any attempt to stifle free speech. But one of my favorite sayings, which I adopted years ago while playing Sim City, is "Naysayers say Nay!" I still think that is hysterical. Often sad but true. But very well put.
Originally posted by cdhall
Hey, so why is OK for others to post negative speculation and gossip and I can't say something founded in logic? What are the facts? There are not many, so debating them is almost pointless. The ones I know of are these:
1. Mr. Trejo is in the IKKA
2. There is a Homecoming Camp this summer and a lot of high-profile people are teaching
3. Not much else has been confirmed as a fact

Here are some other FACTS:
1. The IKKA has raised their prices for association membership.
2. The IKKA is recruiting Seniors first, their students second...
3. The IKKA boycotted Mr. Trejo's tournament.
4. The IKKA is putting together a board of Seniors that will be in charge of the Kenpo side of the business.
5. They are revamping their merchandise (books, etc...)
6. They are going to hold more than one IKC a year.
7. Larry Kongaika is the Prsident of the IKKA.
8. Ed Parker Jr. is in charge of their creative department.
9. Yvonne Parker's husband pretty much owns it all.
10. Frank Trejo and Huk Planas are already members of the association.
11. They are talking about bringing "other" arts into the association.
12. They are talking about changing the IKKA curriculum to the 16 technique system.
13. They are talking about producing several video projects and revamping the Infinite Insights series.
14. They're planning infommercials to hit TV sometime later this year.

but... we'll have to wait and see... :shrug:


I again think it is good for people to question the motives and actions of an association like the IKKA. It will have a pretty big impact on them, especially if they are involved in Kenpo, and thier teachers sign on.

Billy :asian:
Originally posted by Billy Lear

I again think it is good for people to question the motives and actions of an association like the IKKA. It will have a pretty big impact on them, especially if they are involved in Kenpo, and thier teachers sign on.

Billy :asian:


Once again, I don't want to stop anyone from thinking or from exercising their constitutional rights such as free speech.

But we apparently come from a different perspective. I am not accustomed to questioning my instructor. You either follow him/her or you leave. I would not be caught dead on here questioning Mr. Duffy's motives or decisions and wondering out loud whether I thought I could do better.

I don't necessarily agree with you that the IKKA poses a threat to anyone. If they allow dual affiliation then could my instructor join and also not require me to join? What would that do to me? Nothing I think. So I don't have an issue. If this turns out to be the case, then no one may have an issue. If your instructor requires you to join and your lessons go up $10/mo are you saying that you don't think your instructor is worth an extra $10/mo? Again, if that happens to me I also don't think that is an issue either. He is worth another $10 if he wants it.

As far as the IKKA boycotting Mr. Trejo's tournament, if he works for them now then he must have resolved that issue, no?

Regarding the 16 Technique Curriculum. I'm partial to that idea myself.

It could mean that you all get a 2 Stripe promotion too, so what gives? :eek:

P.S. No disrepect intended but how can I verify your list of facts if the IKKA has not released them themselves? Unless they can verified they are just rumors. Just another thought. Remember, I live in Texas, so if there is a Crier on the front porch of the Pasedena studio announcing the news I can not be expected to know that. :)

And don't forget. I'm just a Weed in the Kenpo Jungle. :D