Mr. Bishop, Info on Prof. Nataniel Ortega?


Yellow Belt
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
Mr. Bishop,

I ran across the following link on Sifu Nataniel Ortega:, and then saw the following link on Youtube, listing him as Professor Nataniel Ortega:

I hadn't heard of the Advanced Method of Kajukenbo. Can you shed some light on this?

Since Professor Ortega also trained in Kosho Ryu Kenpo, is Kajukenbo Kosho Ryu a blend of the two arts? That would appear to be the case, from the opening of the Youtube video.

Could you give us a rundown? Thanks.
Mr. Bishop,

I ran across the following link on Sifu Nataniel Ortega:, and then saw the following link on Youtube, listing him as Professor Nataniel Ortega:

I hadn't heard of the Advanced Method of Kajukenbo. Can you shed some light on this?

Since Professor Ortega also trained in Kosho Ryu Kenpo, is Kajukenbo Kosho Ryu a blend of the two arts? That would appear to be the case, from the opening of the Youtube video.

Could you give us a rundown? Thanks.

"Advanced Method" is sort of misleading. In the 60's, when the "Chuan fa" and "Wun Hop Kuen Do" branches of Kajukenbo were developed, some took the attitude that they were "advanced systems" of Kajukenbo. In reality, they were Kajukenbo branches with a different emphasis (kung fu). No better, no worse, just different.
As the story goes, some years ago when GM Jaime Basquez had a falling out with Sijo Emperado, he affliated himself with Paul Yamaguichi. He started learning some Kosho principles, and started adding them to his Kajukenbo teachings.
I really wouldn't consider "Kajukenbo Kosho Ryu" a distinct system in itself. GM Jaime Basquez uses the term, as does GM Tony Bowles. But they both primarily teach Kajukenbo. As I said Jaime Basquez got his kosho knowledge from Paul Yamaguichi, and Tony Bowles got his from Tom Mitose. Basquez and Bowles are not associated together, and their expressions of Kajukenbo are different. As is their knowledge of Kosho Ryu.
One has to remember that Sijo Emperado trained in "kenpo jiu jutsu" under William Chow, before Chow evolved his "Kara-ho" system. So the kenpo that Emperado put into Kajukenbo is basically the techniques Mitose taught. So all Kajukenbo has some "Kosho Ryu" in it.
"Advanced Method" is sort of misleading. In the 60's, when the "Chuan fa" and "Wun Hop Kuen Do" branches of Kajukenbo were developed, some took the attitude that they were "advanced systems" of Kajukenbo. In reality, they were Kajukenbo branches with a different emphasis (kung fu). No better, no worse, just different.
As the story goes, some years ago when GM Jaime Basquez had a falling out with Sijo Emperado, he affliated himself with Paul Yamaguichi. He started learning some Kosho principles, and started adding them to his Kajukenbo teachings.
I really wouldn't consider "Kajukenbo Kosho Ryu" a distinct system in itself. GM Jaime Basquez uses the term, as does GM Tony Bowles. But they both primarily teach Kajukenbo. As I said Jaime Basquez got his kosho knowledge from Paul Yamaguichi, and Tony Bowles got his from Tom Mitose. Basquez and Bowles are not associated together, and their expressions of Kajukenbo are different. As is their knowledge of Kosho Ryu.
One has to remember that Sijo Emperado trained in "kenpo jiu jutsu" under William Chow, before Chow evolved his "Kara-ho" system. So the kenpo that Emperado put into Kajukenbo is basically the techniques Mitose taught. So all Kajukenbo has some "Kosho Ryu" in it.

Thanks for the explanation, Mr. Bishop.
HI, I a Kosho practitioner, Just Surfing, i saw him at the S.K.S.K. Gathering training with Hanshi Jushmick, the video looks great to me and i find another one.

If some have another info. about this Instructor please post. I' thinking to travel to San Juan, Puerto Rico in a few weeks.
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HI, I a Kosho practitioner, Just Surfing, i saw him at the S.K.S.K. Gathering training with Hanshi Jushmick, the video looks great to me and i find another one.

If some have another info. about this Instructor please post. I' thinking to travel to San Juan, Puerto Rico in a few weeks.

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HI, I a Kosho practitioner, Just Surfing, i saw him at the S.K.S.K. Gathering training with Hanshi Jushmick, the video looks great to me and i find another one.

If some have another info. about this Instructor please post. I' thinking to travel to San Juan, Puerto Rico in a few weeks.


The following link provides contact info for Mr. Ortega:
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Prof.Nataniel is great guy. He is a really good person and he is always looking for ways to improve the advance defense system. A very open minded guy with a lot of knowledge of Kajukenbo and Kosho.
If you ever go to the island you will have a lot fun with him and always you will learn something. He also doing kali and brazilian jujitsu in his system. So there is more than you can see in the video.