Mr. Billings' Site


Master Black Belt

Mr. Billings maintains a site with lists and decriptions of Kenpo Techniques which I very frequently refer to myself. I have also just been amazed to notice that he has Events and Etiquette. This Etiquette page is great.

I highly reccomend people with questions to go here. It has a lot of general useful and valuable information on it.

My instructors site is more concerned with the studio and the Association and does not have so much "general info" but it does have a good explanation of the 16 Technique Curriculum on there if you look for it.

OK here is the curriculum page:

I wanted to put up something about Mr. Billings' site but I could not do it without mentioning my own school site, so that is why both are here.

Again, for techinque descriptions Mr. Billings site is outstanding. Especially if you need to look up something for a post.
Originally posted by cdhall
Again, for techinque descriptions Mr. Billings site is outstanding.

I am equaly thankful for Mr. Billing's informative site. There's nothing like trying to practice at 10 or so later in the evening with no one to call up for a little help. I turn the computer back on to look at some reference material. Thanks Mr. Billing's for such a comprehensive web site.:asian:
I also use Mr. Billings site often. But as I have spoken to him, on many pages including the Etiquette page, I can't read the whole of the material without scrolling left and right.
Originally posted by roryneil
I also use Mr. Billings site often. But as I have spoken to him, on many pages including the Etiquette page, I can't read the whole of the material without scrolling left and right.

At a resolution of 1024x768 or higher, it looks fine, but at 800x600 then you do have to scroll left and right, which is a bit annoying. The reason is that the nice graphic at the top of the page (with the tiger and the dragon) is a bit too big really for people using 800x600, and it's forcing the width of the page to be too wide. Ideally, either the graphic want's reducing in size to about 50%, and the crest graphic either removing or moving somewhere else (like above or below the other graphic). The table that's 8x2 with the grey background might also want turning into a vertical list, then 800x600 users shouldn't have to scroll left and right.

Alternatively, you could turn up the resolution on your monitor? If you have a 15" monitor (that isn't a TFT one), then anything above 800x600 (which I guess is what you're using) will probably look too blurry. If you've got a 17" (or larger) monitor, then right click on your desktop, click 'properties', click the 'settings' tab on the right, then drag the little 'screen resolution' slider up to 1024x768. You might then have to fiddle with the buttons on the front of your monitor to make the image fill the whole screen.

Hope that helps,

Thanks Ian. That did work although the letters look like little tiny bugs now!! :) Shouldn't you normally put the menu selections on the side in a seperate frame then someone can open the main frame in a seperate window?

Originally posted by roryneil
Thanks Ian. That did work although the letters look like little tiny bugs now!! :) Shouldn't you normally put the menu selections on the side in a seperate frame then someone can open the main frame in a seperate window?


Well, generally it's better to use a table, rather than a frames, because if you have a frames page containing, for example, menu.htm and etiquette.htm, then a search engine like Google is likely to just grab hold of etiquette.htm, and if people click on the link from Google they won't be able to see the menu (and obviously won't be able to then access the rest of the site easily). Frames are a lot easier though, and the extra work involved in creating a site that doesn't use them can put people off sometimes.

I have thought about a re-design, again ... but just got through with the last one and cut the Banner down by about 30%. I eventually will probably have to redo it so people using lower resolution can see it all without scrolling. It is lots better than it used to be, but the work goes on.

Yes it was a conscious decision not to use frames and get rid of a lot of the graphics and animated gifs. Dial up access users in England were complaining. Heck, it started as a resource for my own students only, and somehow it kept growing. Lots of late nights when I was getting married and stressing.

I will look at it again, but have very little time right now for a full revision. You may wnat to keep the resolution higher and just increase your font size, either in the preferences or view menus.

:( Oh no, Mr. Billings caught me talking about his site!! I actually wrote you personally and you talked about it before. I find the site invaluable actually. Unfortunately, I only have internet access at work, and IS allows for NO setting changes. Oh well, you can't please everyone. I can always print stuff out (for my own personal scholastic use and certainly NOT for profit!!)
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
I am equaly thankful for Mr. Billing's informative site. There's nothing like trying to practice at 10 or so later in the evening with no one to call up for a little help. I turn the computer back on to look at some reference material. Thanks Mr. Billing's for such a comprehensive web site.:asian:

Oh ok, thats where you are getting all the questions from. Humph....
