Moving to San Antonio


Senior Master
MT Mentor
So the members of my medical evaluation board finally came back with a decision, which was that I am now medically fit to return to duty!

Seems that the next PCS will take us from the Baltimore/DC area to sunny San Antonio, TX! Loving great authentic mexican food, i understand that we'll be able to get lots of it there, so I'm pretty stoked.

Is anybody here on MT from the San Antonio area or familiar with it? Of course, this being Martialtalk my first subject matter would be for good martial art instruction...where to find it?

As we get closer to the move, I'll figure out where we are driving through and if anyone is up for a lunch, I'd love to link up!
My wife and I are working on moving to somewhere between San Antonio and Austin. Love the area, but not familiar enough with it to give a good reference yet.
Lived there 7 years. Had its ups and downs.

Hotter than hell in the summer. Pool water got up to 85 degrees... not so refreshing.

Cheap living though. Born and raised in Baltimore, live in Jersey now. Way too expensive up this way. Big nice house there... and GREAT GUN LAWS :fanboy:

I know the area well. what side will you be living on? What style or type are you looking for?

Air force? or Army?

I'll help if I can.
I am in Arlington Texas in between Dallas and Ft. Worth, if you are in the area let me know. I love San Antonio and know alot of instructor down there what is it you are looking for in a MA?