Moving back home - again


MT Mentor
Apr 23, 2003
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It seems more and more adult children moving back into their parent's home are now of the middle-age range.

The stereotype of children returning home used to be of those college aged students (early 20's) and this wasn't too surprising. With the age of those who divorce (tend to be mid 20's to 30's), it also wasn't too surprising to see them return home. Now it appears the economy is playing more of a role in the older adult child trend.

Has the perception of independence changed? What of parents who may not be as financially sound as people assume?

- Ceicei
We know a family that brought a six bedroom house so everybody could live together and spilt the cost, they say it is alot cheaper then living alone. I guess if it makes sense why not.
Yeah, because it's no longer possible for young single people to get their financial feet under them anymore, especially in the areas of the country with the higher cost of living.

That's why everyone my age who lives here is leaving in droves, 'cause ain't no future here.
Extended families all living together used to be the norm, and still is in many parts of the world. It is no surprise that it begins to happen again when economic times get tough. I do feel kind of bad for Mom and Dad though who thought they would get a break after 18 years.
I think people are moving back in with their parents for the same reason that people decide to move in with a bf or gf...better economics and increased companionship in a way that doesn't involve marriage.

If my mom or my older sister lived up this way I'd consider living with them. I think the money saved and the benefit of occasionally having someone say hello to or chat with might be worth the familial aggravation. Maybe :D
I moved back home with my parents because I was needed.

But yeah, I needed it too. :eek:
I understand why people do it - my father moved back in with his mother when he was about 55, and lived with her until she died, 16 years later (at 94); his original reasons were financial, and it lasted as long as it did both for financial reasons and because with my father there, my grandmother didn't need any other assistance to stay at home the rest of her life - but I'm not likely to ever do it myself.
I have to admit, one of the things I have always been proud of is neither I or my sister were not one of those people who graduated college and moved home....I did spend about 3 months home after college, but that was only cause my job didn't start until then and I was moving across the country and couldn't move prematurely....I think people move back home for lots of reasons, from laziness, to financial reasons, to personal one's of helping mom and dad....I will say several of my friends from college moved back from and it is not cause they had to for any reason, but just cause everyone in the family sort of assumed they would, so they did. They have no intentions of moving out, probably before they get married, just see it as a waste of money....lord knows I would like to avoid 2k + a month to have a place to live and buy my own groceries, but not at the expense of living with my parents...