When running a dojo I think its important for instructors to motivate their students and this involves knowing why the student chose to learn martial arts and what they hope to get out of it, what their goals are. I read about this in a magazine article once, lets say an instructor is having a student do this certain kicking drill. The instructor should give the student a reason why they should do the drill. "Because I said so and Im the sensei," could suffice but it might not be the best way to motivate the student. Other reasons as to why the student should do the drill, the instructor could say, "Well you want to get a black belt don't you?" Maybe the student started training because they want to lose weight and they don't care about getting a black belt. In that case the instructor could say something like, "By doing this drill you burn off this many calories," but to say that the instructor would have to know why the student is training which in that case would be to lose weight. So the way I see it is that an instructor should know what a student's goals are and should help the student reach those goals.