Most Moviegoers Don't Agree With the Critics...

You're certainly right about the decline in 'comedy' films, MA. Other than 'Bill & Ted' or 'Waynes World', which were entertaining rather than comedic, I too have to think back to films of yesteryear to find one that makes me laugh - a noteable exception, oddly, was 'Kung Fu Hustle' which had me chortling in places.

I thought Shaoling Soccer was really good too.
Hi Kreth, sounds like my missus will be happy enough then :D.

@Mariachi, yes, I'd heard that 'Shaolin Soccer' was supposed to be a fun movie. I was put off by the premise (I generally like my MA films 'serious') but enough people have said it's worth a watch that my prejudice is waning :).
I thought Shaoling Soccer was really good too.

I LOVED Shaolin Soccer —thought it was definitely one of the funniest movies of all time. Kung Fu Hustle was funny too, but there was a kind of lunatic logic to Shaolin Soccer that almost nothing I've seen before does nearly as well... absolutely one of a (very good!) kind...
I don't think critics care about writing...which is what I care about the most. I don't bloody care whether a film is "important" or a "must see", I care about whether it's a good story or not.

That being said...the pecs, leather Speedos, and manly men didn't hurt a bit, either ;)