I think one of the most important stories is the growing bias and pandering of mass media to our current administration or the government in general. For instance, how our tvs are currently inundated with images of bloated and disfigured bodies from the tsunami, but I've never seen similarly graphic images from the Iraq conflict. A comparable number of people have died in Iraq as a result of our actions, 100,000 (estimated) and we never see the nasty results. The pictures are out there, just google "Iraq war photos" and you'll have enough grisliness to last days. This is an ongoing tragedy, on both sides, that for some reason doesn't get airtime.
Why is this? Is it ok to show what nature does, and not what we do? Or is it that confronted with the unseemly truth we might lose our resolve, or doubt our leaders, their decisions and policies? And do these leaders have some sway in what we're seeing, and therefore are deliberately suppressing the truth to promote their agenda? Now there's a story.