Most comfortable firearm/holster for conceal carry.

Every post you make is about shooting yourself or damage from guns going off on thier own for no reason.
Well, no. I've never said that. I've explicitly said that guns don't just go off on their own. But it is undeniable that negligent discharges are a real thing.
Seems to be an unhealthy fear of being shot by your own gun. Kinda odd to me.
Odd to me too, since what you're attributing to me only exists in your own mind.
You also seem really concerned about how I carry which is touching and all but im good.
Again, you're fantasizing. I've said plainly that you should carry however you like.
I have corrected your erroneous claim that wounds from an ND will not be more serious from appendix carry than from 3-5. You clearly don't believe this to be true, but that's the cool thing about facts. You can disbelieve them and they're still true.
I have corrected your erroneous claim that wounds from an ND will not be more serious from appendix carry than from 3-5. You clearly don't believe this to be true, but that's the cool thing about facts. You can disbelieve them and they're still true.
Except your "corrections" are wrong. If you carry a quality holster and train properly the round wont even strike your leg. The Tier 1 hoslter I showed in the picture I guess I should have showed the back side also. It had 2 large foam wedges pushing the barrel away from the body and pushed the top the pistol into the gut to help prevent printing. Added to the claw on the right side of the holster which also pushes the exposed part of the weapon the rear of the slide and the grip into the body pushing the barrel even farther away from the body. Bullets travel in a straight line until they hit something. So if that gun goes off its not even pointed at my body. Even if it was parallel to my body at most it will skim my inner thigh. I dont draw pointing at myself so again if it goes off when drawing it still wont hit me. I suppose the most vulnerable time is reholstering and I put the weapon on safe when I reholster then flip it to fire once hosltered.
So it's actually harder than I thought to take pictures of yourself at that angle I'll need to get my tripod out of my office to take a good pic. But here is my carry set up. Pretend the TV Remote is your area of concern. The orange highlighter is the bullet path if it were to fire.

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