More stupidity with swords - ***WARNING: STRONG LANGUAGE***

I'm not sure whether to be relieved that no one was injured or disappointed that Darwin's Gene Pool Lifeguard failed to eject both individuals from the pool for the good of all mankind.
Oh man....stupidity in action...and a waste of good steel.
The title of the video is quite appropriate though! :)
It never fails to amaze me the stupid things that some young (and not so young!) people can do. I was guilty of stupidity as bad as this when I was younger. The difference now though is that these idiots are taking video of it and posting it on the internet so everyone can see it. My stupidity can be left behind in my childhood, these people's stupidity will live on to make them miserable when they get older. :)
Wow... thats humorous, considering I was JUST contemplating cutting some pool noodles from my motorcycle...


While I don't normally wish ill on anyone, throughout that video clip I had my fingers crossed and was thinking "Darwin Awards. Come on, Darwin Awards!"

Quite probably the dumbest combination of activities I've ever seen.
Oh dear God! What kind of idiot... Never mind! I don't own, nor have I ever trained with a sword, but I am currently some weapons training where I go and the first thing I saw on my first weapon (escrima)- "Warning- this is not a toy...." I'm pretty sure that other weapons say the same. This is why instructors don't just hand out weapons, especially to "children".
Yeah pretty stupid. They were definitely asking for it.

Kinda like these guys... Though they're moving slow they just ... don't... get... it. Maybe they were unsharpened swords or replicas... but somehow you just don't think so.
Why did the japanese samurai practice with wooden swords? Because they've seen what their real blades can do to a person even just practicing with them.
There's an accurate scene from the movie Samurai Rebellion (starring Toshiro Mifune) where the lead character is testing his Lord's new sword on a straw dummy. Everyone around him is at least 10 paces away from him. Well DUH!
Tulisan said:
Screw you guys! That second guy was me last year! I WAS SMART ENOUGH TO NOT USE ROLLER BLADES. I don't see a problem here!!!


:lfao: :lfao: that I have wiped the tears away that were rolling down my face, I have to concur that those two boys are definitely a few bricks short of a load.