Two main things I would focus on:
1. Vary your tempo more. You take breaks from throwing punches, and those are different speeds, but when you throw punches themselves, with one exception (the double-uppercut) they all seem o be mostly the same speed. If the speed in the video is your top punching speed with good form-don't always throw that speed. Throw a bit slower, so that when you do throw at top speed, the other person isn't expecting it.
2. Your uppercuts. Some of the uppercuts were good, but some weren't. Particularly with your double-uppercuts, it feels like you're not actually putting power in them. You also cut some off at the height for a chest uppercut, but it's too vertical to actually be a chest uppercut (you want an angle on them if they're not going to the chin). It makes them feel faster but really it's just you pulling the punch short (which is a legitimate tactic for strikes, but uppercuts in general aren't the best to faint/feather with).
One other thing I wouldn't focus on too much:
Your head movement seems..odd to me. Like you're either focusing purely on it, or you're briefly forgetting about it. It's tough for me to pinpoint exactly where/how it feels off though. Plus,you're clearly trying to incorporate it, and that's something that comes with practice, so in that regard just keep doing what you're doing.
Some other minor things, like height of your guard and weight distribution, but those are much more personal preference and can't really be judged as effective or not effective for you unless I saw you sparring.